Vegan jam jar

This is a super quick post to ask a question.

Has Hartley’s always labelled their jam jars as suitable for vegans? I only noticed last week and was pleasantly surprised. Have they been doing this for a while? Have you noticed any other mainstream products being labeled recently?

back label front label

vegana bottom ad

Chocolate biscuit spread update

Don’t put a jar of chocolate biscuit spread in front of a vegan, tell them it’s vegan and then tell them it isn’t vegan. We will cut you.

Ever since I posted this story about a supposedly vegan bourbon biscuit spread sold by Tesco, my social media has been blowing up with folks telling me they had been informed by the chain that it contained non-vegan ingredients. I decided to dedicate a couple of hours of my life to finding out the truth.

Here is what I was told via a phone message left by a Tesco customer service operator:

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Milk in Marks and Spencers

Have you seen the range of vegan milks now available in Marks & Spencer stores all around the country?

I recently spotted the ‘Made Without Dairy’ packaging in the M&S on Chiswick High Road and was happy to see not just soya but also oat, rice and coconut varieties.

Check them out below.

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Unbelievable news


People have been emailing me like crazy today saying they have been told by Tesco that this product has milk proteins as an ingredient even though it doesn’t say so on the label.

I have been on the phone with Tesco for a long time just now only to be assured by the customer service person there is NO milk protein as an added ingredient.

Of course I explained the mixed messages we are getting and my service person has told me they will look into it in fine detail and get back to me ASAP, but that might not be until Monday. In the meantime I suggest anyone who doesn’t want to eat a product that purposively contains dairy milk stays away from this item.

I’ll report back as soon as I can.


I don’t know what to say. I am overwhelmed by this vegan news out of London. Hold on to your jaunty hats, kids.

Last night I received a text message from Angela of The Third Estate with a very special grainy photo attached.

There are no words.

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Vegan mince in Tesco

The spread of vegan food through our mainstream supermarkets marches on with the launch of frozen soya mince by the enormous Tesco chain.

Tesco has usually played second fiddle to its competitors when it comes to labelling for compassionate shoppers, however they do appear to be making an effort of late. This effort can be seen in the showcase of vegan-suitable products taking place in limited stores, as well as this newest frozen meat substitute.

Check out the photos of the frozen vegan mince below.

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Beef juice

Get ready to start questioning everything.


A report out of Australia has shed light on the process of using beef gelatine to clarify fruit juice, much in the same way alcohol is filtered using animal derived ingredients to remove organic matter.

beef juice

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