This is it

Stick a fork in London Vegan Potluck. It’s done.

There has never been a vegan community event like London Vegan Potluck and it will be a long time until we see the likes of it again, if ever. It stands unrivalled.

final potluckAt its height, more than 100 people were filling our central London location with a wide range of plant-based dishes every month. We started with just 20 people back in May 2011 in Brixton and we are finishing with a bang in May 2015 in Holborn.

Due to the immense interest in the final potluck, we are running a ticket booking system. Sadly, we won’t be able to accommodate everyone so please be fast in booking if you wish to be part of this historic event.

Before you book, a polite word of warning: you will not be invited to enter the event if you do not have a homemade vegan dish to share or if you have not booked a ticket. If you show up with store bought food, you will be turned away. If you show up without a ticket, you will be turned away. One ticket gets one person in with their own homemade dish. If you are coming with a group, each person needs a ticket booking and a homemade dish each.

OK. Sorry for sounding harsh but after investing a lot of time and emotional energy into this event during the past four years, I would like to see the final night go smoothly. It would be a shame to turn people away (and incredibly unpleasant).

Also, the final London Vegan Potluck is a showcase of your finest food skills. Let’s make a massive effort to impress and give due respect to this legendary community event. Please don’t show up with a tub of steamed rice or a bowl of baked beans. Make an effort.

Get ready to party on May 6, 2015. London Vegan Potluck is ending and we need to give it a fab send off.

Book your ticket now.

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Written by fatgayvegan

  1. For everyone who’ll miss potluck when it’s gone, don’t forget there’s another monthly vegan potluck that’s been going a while. Take a look on London Vegan Meetup for info – Look for Vegan Publuck!

  2. I have loved it in the last year. It h
    as been a place of acceptance and not having to explain…and lovely food. Thanks FGV and all the great participants.

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