Josh is back with another airline meal report from his recent trip to Turkey. He already filled you in on his inflight meal on the way there and soon he’ll have a full report about vegan offerings in Istanbul. In the meantime read all about his meal on the way back…
Inflight sameness
My recent flight between London and Los Angeles featured vegan food that made me feel like I had seen it all before.
The provider of the inflight meals for British Airways must think they have discovered the winning formula for vegan food because I seem to be getting the exact same meal every time I fly.
Meals on flights seem to belong in two camps. Either they are awful or they manage to be just OK. My recent British Airways flight back from Mexico City to London involved food of the fairly awful variety.
My expectations were high after the decent dishes I was served on my way over to Distrito Federal, but the reality was disappointing.
The main meal was an uninspired and unenjoyable mix of rice and vegetables, a cup featured barely ripe fruit pieces while the salad was overfilled with slimy mushrooms.
I didn’t even attempt to eat the dessert as it looked like it was made with dairy milk and was not labelled as vegan. Actually, my entire meal was labelled vegetarian as opposed to the vegetarian/vegan label on Josh’s meal. This is why we pack out own snacks, right plant eaters?
The only thing worse than the meal was the movie I watched during the trip. If you get a kick out of dreadful films, watch Austenland.
Check out the photos below and see all my inflight meal posts here.

Vegan airline meal fail – guest post
Continuing with what is becoming a bit of a tradition around these parts, my Twitter pal Tumblebee stopped globetrotting long enough to visit and share a vegan airline food story with us.
Follow Tumblebee on Twitter
Visit Tumblebee online
And of course, send in your own food in the air experiences so I can share with the interested masses!
Take it away, Tumblebee!
More food in the sky
Following on from the wildly-popular posts about airline food (one by me and one by my friend The Vegan Butcher), I put out an open call for readers to submit their own stories of vegan food served in the air.
A few people have sent in anecdotes relating to the animal-free food they have been served inflight. I have posted some below for your reading pleasure.
Please get in touch if you would like to see your food in the sky experience posted on Fat Gay Vegan. We are going to start up a nifty collection of vegan airline food stories at this rate! I especially encourage you to send photos with your reviews. Seat belt sign has been switched on. I hear the food trolley rattling down the aisle…
Shelly of Las Vegas writes:
Jet trails in the sky
Do you often fly coach/economy? Then you will be acutely aware of how lousy airline food can be.
Requesting a vegan meal on a plane is even more of minefield. I was once served a lamb curry for my special meal request. Another adventure involved nothing but a few blocks of cheese and water crackers. And of course we all know the anguish of having nothing to eat except a bowl of under-ripe melon. I have enjoyed the occasional vegan meal on a flight and the memory will always be cherished of being served a vegan donut with chocolate soy milk on a United Airlines flight.
I am keen to share my latest experience of vegan flying food with you, but before I do I want to ask a question. What is the best vegan food you have been served inflight? What is the least memorable? What is the most unbelievably bad? I know that is more than one question, but I am just that curious!
Here is the vegan meal I was served on British Airways a week ago on my way to Mexico City. Overall I was impressed by the quality and the thought that had gone into my meal. The vegan dishes were actually vegan as far as I could tell. It was definitely one of the most satisfying vegan meals I have experienced on a flight during the last few years. How does this rate with your experiences?