Cheap tickets for VegFestUK London

It’s almost that time of year again.

VegFestUK London is back in a big way for another huge year in West London.

VegFestUK has long been the best vegan lifestyle show in the UK and really one of the best on the planet.

You get to see and taste all the latest plant-based products, watch exciting cooking demonstrations, meet independent business owners, listen to fascinating talks, meet friends new and old, eat delicious food, drink tasty drinks, and SO MUCH MORE.

Get along on October 26 and 27, 2019 at Olympia, London.

Need another reason to go? How about cheap tickets?

Buy-one-get-one-free tickets for VegFestUK London are available online only until August 31.

Click here to buy them now and save money.

Follow VegFestUK on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

In other news, I will be there on site all weekend running the stall for my new Vegan Culinary Cruises venture and hosting some social sessions. More details will be coming soon!

FGV linked businesses up for vegan awards

I feel like a proud parent!

The annual VegFestUK Awards are open for voting and it is fantastic to see so many of the traders from Hackney Downs Vegan Market being shortlisted within the categories.

These businesses work tirelessly to bring veganism to a wider audience and a lot of them are at the forefront of product development in their field.

Check out the friends of FGV and Hackney Downs Vegan Market who have grabbed a nomination:

It is so heartwarming to see all of these traders recognised in the nominations. Some of them still trade with us regularly and I’m sure the rest of our Hackney Downs Vegan Market family wish them all the best in the voting.

That cheese category is going to be a tough vote!

Click here to vote online in all the categories.

Best at VegfestUK London 2017

It is that time of year again. VegfestUK London is set to throw open its doors to consumers and activists this weekend (Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 October, 2017) at London Olympia.

The full show guide can be found online, but I wanted to highlight some of my top picks for the show.

Let’s take a look!

A post shared by Kizzyscookies (@kizzyscookies) on

I adore Kizzy’s Cookies. They are just the right amount of chewy.

A post shared by What The Pitta! (@whatthepitta) on

My number one pick for food vendor at the show this year is What The Pitta!. Stunning comfort food that I can’t get enough of.

I always make time for the vegan wagon wheels by Ananda’s.

Conscious Chocolate bars are exquisite and maybe the most luxurious treat I know.

Tofurky is one of the true superstar vegan brands on the planet and they will be selling their new gran and go sandwiches.

A vegan show is not a vegan show without Follow Your Heart. Get your Vegenaise at show prices!

A post shared by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on

My book! I will be selling early release copies of my first ever book and will even be presenting some of the themes of the book during a talk in the auditorium on Saturday at 4pm.

You can buy your advance tickets for VegfestUK London online now.

Fat Gay Vegan at VegfestUK London

I’m happy to announce that I will be taking part in the annual VegfestUK London event happening on October 21 and 22, 2017.

I will be talking during two events:

Main talk in auditorium on Saturday – Fat Gay Vegan: Eat, Drink and Live Like You Give a Shit

Sean O’Callaghan (Fat Gay Vegan) previews his book ‘Fat Gay Vegan: Eat, Drink and Live Like You Give a Sh!t’, set to be published via Nourish in January 2017. Sean will discuss themes from the book including expanding compassion beyond the plate to include other social justice issues.

Activist Corner talk on Sunday – So you wanna start a local vegan market?

Join blogger, journalist and event planner Fat Gay Vegan as he hosts a Q&A session on the importance of setting up local, independent vegan markets. His popular Hackney Downs Vegan Market has just become a weekly happening and FGV wants you to start one in your area, too!

In addition to my talks, there will be a table selling exclusive advance copies of my new book Fat Gay Vegan: Eat, Drink and Live Like You Give a Shit. This early release is only for VegfestUK London. If you are unable to make it to the show but are still interested in grabbing a copy of my book, you can pre-order via Amazon ahead of the January release by Nourish Books.

Click here to find out more info about VegfestUK London and to buy advance tickets.

Top ten at VegfestUK London

Are you heading to the huge VegfestUK London this weekend?

I’ve put together a list of ten things you CANNOT miss during this two day event.

Please be warned that some of this stuff is going to be in huge demand and is likely to sell out extremely quickly. Don’t waste time if you are keen on any of these things.


Heart of Cake – stand number CN3 Saturday only.

Fabulous cakes, handcrafted to perfection. So pretty and tasty. Make a special attempt to get some macarons.

Macaron heaven over here 💘 #vegan #veganmacarons #vegfest2016 #aquafaba

A photo posted by Heart of Cake (@heartofcakelondon) on


Ms. Cupcake – stand number CAT6

Of course this legendary business has a sweet stand, but also look out for their hot food outlet selling tasty savoury delights.



Tofurky – stand number WB4

This sandwich fridge photo almost broke the vegan Internet when I featured it a few weeks ago and I’m thrilled to say it is BACK for VegfestUK this weekend.



All Glamour No Guts – stand number WA6

These gorgeous t-shirts are on special offer for £10 or you can get the design on a tote bag for just £5. I love this design! They also have lots of other products and jewellery to get your hands on.

A photo posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on


Just Fab – stand numbers CE4 CE8

Don’t waste time trying to get your hands on these cheesy pizza dough balls. Go there first up or risk missing out. Just Fab make some of the best food in the country and they have plenty for you snap up during this show.


Follow Your Heart  – stand number WE10

One of my favourite brands on the planet are sampling their new cheese slices, soon to be launched in the UK. Get a sneak preview this weekend!


Mouse’s Favourite – stand number CN3 Sunday only

Don’t act like you don’t know! This cheese company is one of the finest you will find anywhere. If their camembert doesn’t sell out in about an hour, I’ll eat my shoe. Yes, my shoe is vegan.

What?! Just bought #vegan Camembert from @mousesfavourite – so good!

A photo posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on


Essential Vegan – stand number CAT8

Go no further if you are looking to enjoy one of the best seitan burgers ever created. An FGV favourite.



Temple of Seitan – stand number CAT17

This is number two on my list but could easily be number one. Actually, let’s call it joint first place on my top ten list. If you don’t think food is an emotional experience, you should watch my tears as I look at this photo.



Sgaia’s Vegan Mheats – stand number CG6

Of course this is number one. I know these mheat and cheeze boards are available in extremely limited numbers, so you had better run when the doors open. These are going to fly out in no time at all.


That’s it. That’s my top ten things not to miss at VegfestUK London in 2016.

How many were already on your radar? Anything that is new to you? Anyone going to try and eat and see all of that?

I hope you all have a wonderful time. Sadly I won’t be at the show as  am flying out today for the vegan cruise through the South of France. If you want to find out how you can join me for the next 100% vegan cruise happening over New Year’s Eve, click here.

Also, I was nominated in the VegfestUK Awards for the best blogger/info website category. The awards winners are announced at 3pm Saturday so please go along and exact revenge if I don’t win. LOL!


Eat well with Ms Cupcake

There appears to be a new tradition for Ms. Cupcake when it comes to attending VegfestUK London.

Of course the superstar bakery piles tables high with sugary delights and treats, but the Brixton-based business also makes it a priority these days to turnout a decent showing of savoury comfort food.

As the huge Vegfest rolls back into town this weekend (Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 October, 2016), the Ms. Cupcake team will be serving up these three delicious dishes.


Let’s discuss what you can see.

Top of the picture shows the drool-worthy fully loaded nachos, bottom left is a stunning bowl of mac ‘n’ cheese with toppings, while the final panel highlights the decadent sloppy Joe with creamy cheese sauce.


You will find the savoury catering food shown above on stand CAT6 while all your favourite sweet Ms. Cupcake stuff (along with some new surprises) will be on stand WE5.

Happy eating!

Get all your VegfestUK London information online. It is going to be a big show this year!


Halloween delight

I was at a recent Morrissey concert in London when the legendary singer asked a peculiar (and awesome) question from the stage.

He wanted to know where he could buy ‘a vegan wagon wheel’ and of course he was talking about the fabulous Round Up bars made by Ananda Foods.

These gorgeous treats are available in many stores around the UK, including Ms Cupcake and Vx here in London.

I visited the Ananda stand at VegfestUK London yesterday and was delighted to see (and buy and eat) a special limited edition version of the Round Up for Halloween. It was an explosion of biscuit, chocolate, marshmallow and jam.

Look at this fabulous thing!


Get on over to the Ananda Foods stand today on the second day of VegfestUK London to pick one up, or reach out to them via their online shop to see where you can find your very own Halloween Round Up.

You can also like Ananda Foods on Facebook and like them on Twitter.

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Vegan t-shirts at VegfestUK

Hey there.

Here is some fab news about VegfestUK London, taking place this Saturday and Sunday at Olympia.

I will also be speaking as part of a panel on Sunday at midday.

So much to see and do at VegfestUK! Are you going?

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FGV talking

You have your VegfestUK London tickets for this weekend. You’ve planned all your eating adventures. Meeting times/spots have been agreed with friends.

But have you pencilled in a trip to the Vegan Vision panel discussions taking place on the Sunday of the two day event?

Come along for three, one-hour long panel discussions exploring being a vegan campaigner in a non-vegan world.

I have been asked to contribute to one of the three panels and will be joined by Kabaret co-owner Louise Wallis and EVA co-founder Tobias Leenaert. Our panel discussion is titled:

What’s the most effective way to campaign for living as a vegan and make vegan values mainstream?

I hope to see a few of you at this talk, where I expect you to ask me hard hitting questions to leave me looking confused.

See you at midday on Sunday (October 11, 2015).

Check out all of the panel topics here.

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You know I work with Fry’s Family Foods, right? Working with such a loved, successful and respected vegan food company has quite a few positives and one such upside is getting the scoop on new products.

I am thrilled to announce this breaking news.

Read more