If the idea of attending a free event that involves vegan food, relaxation and swapping goods with likeminded souls appeals to you, you are going to love this day out in North London.
I was recently contacted by Mia and asked to pass on this information regarding the event she is hosting. The floor is yours, Mia:
We’re holding a Free Christmas Fair on 25 November, 2012 at Pakeman Primary School, Holloway N7 from 10:30am. During this event there will be a ‘give and take’ which will include clothes, books, toys etc. We will be having film viewings (Forks Over Knives, Story of Stuff and No Impact Man) as well as services like Reiki, massage and maybe a yoga class. All for free.
The event is run by volunteers who are donating their time just for the love of it.
We are also asking people to bring a vegan dish to the event so we can share in some yummy vegan food. Those who might not have tried vegan dishes before could be able to taste them.
All offers of help, especially food contributions would be very gratefully received!
To get involved or to find out more information, email Mia miadukelow AT aol.com or visit the Facebook event page
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