V Revolution still fabulous

Manchester. So much for which to answer. Or something like that.

A recent trip to the northern city was somewhat planned around a trip to V Revolution. Don’t know it? V Revolution is one of the finest examples of vegans doing fantastic stuff with food and making it an enjoyable experience, too.

The cafe is tucked away in the Northern Quarter and manages to churn out delicious burgers, irresistible hot dogs, ice cream floats, and the best nachos south of Edinburgh (yep, nothing beats Auld Hoose).

Scroll down to see what I’m talking about. These three photos are from my latest visit and looking at them you can imagine why the V Rev staff had to push me out the door at closing time. I didn’t want to leave!

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Your new favourite meal

Manchester is rapidly carving out a reputation for being a particularly special place for vegan food and the photo that crash landed in my inbox today is further proof.

Tucked away in the once derelict (and now slightly less derelict) barrio of Manchester known as the Northern Quarter, a non-vegan canteen and bar called Soup Kitchen is serving up one of the most impressive vegan meals I have heard of in the UK.

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I feel the earth move

Here I go again. The selfish, fat, gay vegan is going to bad mouth a restaurant that makes vegan food. I don’t know how I live with myself. But seriously… I gotta call it the way I see it, right? You wouldn’t want me to be all fake and lovely about a place if it just didn’t set my world on fire.

So here we go. Sorry Earth Cafe of Manchester. Your food and (some of) your service left a whole lot to be desired.

Earth Cafe in Manchester

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