I went to the water’s edge

Summer is almost upon the UK. I think if I keep repeating this statement like a mantra, it will eventually come true. When it does, I am heading back to the Town Wharf for a vegan beverage.

The Town Wharf in Isleworth, Greater London

There are many places to consume alcohol around London. Online sources swing wildly in their estimates, with the average number being somewhere in the region of 7000.

I don’t think I will ever drink in more than a few per cent of these establishments and the chances of me spreading the FGV love around is even slimmer with the discovery of the Town Wharf pub in Isleworth.

This Samuel Smith pub is situated in a visually-stunning location in the west of London. Gorgeous views of the River Thames and passing wildlife make this a must-see for visitors and locals alike.

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It’s a bout time

I love vegan food. I love vegan beer. I love roller derby. Cram these three things into a fun afternoon in London and I’m a fabulously-happy FGV.

Derby at York Hall in Bethnal Green

A few weekends back, Josh and I went on a little journey to Bethnal Green in order to be part of a fantastic afternoon of roller derby hosted by the London Rockin’ Rollers. As the derby explosion grips the UK, the Rockin’ Rollers are busy carving their own chunk of the pie. In gorgeous York Hall on Old Ford Road, skaters battle it out on a wooden flat track as punters cheer on from the balcony seating or trackside. With vegan bottled beer on sale and a vegetarian eatery doors away, I could be forgiven

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