London happy, Leeds sad

The Third Estate in Leeds

This news is simultaneously good and bad. The phenomenal clothing and footwear retailer The Third Estate has announced its final days trading in Leeds city centre and the subsequent move they are making to London. Like I said, happy London but sad Leeds.

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you will recall a story I did on The Third Estate back in January. This shop has been a haven for vegan shoe shoppers for many years and also has been one of the most comprehensive stockists of cruelty-free footwear the UK has ever seen.

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Amazing cheese now in Camden

Remember how I went on and on about Vegusto vegan cheese? You don’t? Surely you recall when I announced it to be amongst the finest in the world. No? Take a quick trip back in time to refresh your memory here and then hold onto your fedora with a faux feather because I have some exciting news for you.

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London Vegan Drinks review: October 2011

We did it again. Wow. London Vegan Drinks took place last night in Mayfair and to say it was successful would be an understatement.

From the moment people started pouring into tibits, it was evident the night was going to be one to remember. Wine flowed, beer was consumed and a whole lot of people socialised well into the night as the basement room of the central London bar and restaurant came alive. The event was attended by more than 60 London vegans and their friends as a seemingly never ending stream of people flowed in and out of the venue.

The London Vegan Drinks event was super busy last night

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It’s a date!

Fantastic news for London vegans and their friends!

Following on from the hugely-successful event in September and news of the next drinks night happening on Thursday October 20, I am delighted to announce tibits has agreed to host London Vegan Drinks on a long term basis.

The Central London restaurant and bar is a fabulous location in the heart of Mayfair. Our event is housed in the generously-proportioned downstairs room featuring ample seating, tables, child-friendly activities, relaxed lighting and non-stop music. It is a special space and tibits has locked us in as a regular event.

London Vegan Drinks will always be on the 3rd Thursday of each month. This is a perfect accompaniment to the thriving London Vegan Potluck events that are held in Holborn on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Now there are plenty of opportunities to meet, greet and avoid eating meat in the capital.

If you like to plan ahead, the next six London Vegan Drinks have been locked into the tibits diary. They are as follows:

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Oh god, what was she doing there?

My name is Fat Gay Vegan and I am an addict. Cupcakes and cookie sandwiches are my vice and Ms. Cupcake is my dealer. The vegan Brixton-based bakery creates award-winning delicacies and I simply cannot get enough of their sweet goodness. I make the journey across London whenever I can in order to get my fix.

Venn Street Market

But like any good dealer, Ms. Cupcake knows the success is all about getting the product to the customer any-which-way. During the next few months, the compassionate baking company are trialing a weekend stall at the Venn Street Market in Clapham Common. This streak of stalls is tucked away in a side street a few steps from the Underground station. The usual market fare is on offer including a large range of fresh fruit and vegetables. It is a nifty little market made all the more appealing by the presence of Ms. Cupcake.

During a visit to Venn Street Market last week, I was pleasantly surprised by the Ms. Cupcake treats on offer. Check them out…

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London Vegan Potluck 6 review

We did it! We moved the London Vegan Potluck to a new Central London location and many wonderful vegans and friends came out to celebrate.

The night was a delightful fusion of food, fun and fabulous people. Located just off High Holborn, the event took place in a large room generously supplied by Syracuse University London Program. Much gratitude goes out to the program for affording us the opportunity.

Potluckers had extra reason to be excited as world-class dessert chef Fran Costigan was in attendance with copies of her book and a sampling of her delicious truffles. Much love and thanks go out to Fran for taking time out of her busy schedule to visit with us tonight.

Fran Costigan chatting at the potluck
Fran's chocolate creations

The food didn’t stop with Fran’s truffles. There was plenty on offer and everything I tried was delicious. Before we get to the photos though, I must mention one thing…

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London Vegan Drinks review: September 2011

Last night was one for the history books as London Vegan Drinks steamrolled into the capital in a major way.

London Vegan Drinks

The evening was destined to be memorable. Regent Street was packed with bustling shoppers, workers and tourists as I made my way to Tibits. I was delighted to be out on a hot, London night anyway but the London Vegan Drinks attendees and Tibits staff quickly turned the outing into one of my favourite nights in recent memory.

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London Animal Charities Fair

I have ceased overeating for a few moments in order to tell you about an exciting event coming up on the London animal welfare calendar.

London Animal Charities Fair is sweeping into Kings Cross on Sunday November 6, 2011 between the hours of 10am and 4pm. Housed in The Camden Centre, the day-long event is being staged as a fund-raising endeavour for a huge range of animal charities, welfare groups and activists.

Admission to the fair is £2 or £1.50 for pensioners while people under the age of 16 are admitted free of charge. Money raised through admission goes to covering the ongoing running costs of the fair. There will be a children’s activity area and a vegan cafe run by Loving Hut where you will be able to buy hot food, cakes and drinks.

Charities will be hosting stalls selling gifts, books, bric-a-brac and more in order to raise funds for their crucial campaigning. Stall holders will include Animal Aid, The Vegetarian Society, Wild Futures Monkey Sanctuary and Animals Asia. A number of talks will be given, including a session by Darren Collis of Sea Shepherd.

Scribble the date in your diary, tell your friends and put away a few pounds for a good cause disguised as a good day out. I’ll see you there.

London Animal Charities Fair, Sunday November 6, 2011, 10am-4pm

The Camden Centre (Euston Road Entrance opp. Kings Cross St. Pancras) WC1H 9LZ

Visit the official website

Join the Facebook group page

Here we go, I’m hanging out in Camden

Camden is famous for a lot of cool, outsider culture that eventually works its way into the mainstream. The historical Camden Market is now a must-see for thousands of tourists every year, the underground music scene exploded out of the borough in the 90’s spawning the Indie craze and more recently, the tragic demise of Amy Winehouse has been inextricably linked to the area as her Back to Black album became the highest-selling release of recent times in the UK.

It is understandable when members of minorities bemoan their insider knowledge being shared with the world. To have something intimate blown up to a global scale can be extremely challenging and confronting. However, there is one alternative happening coming out of Camden that I hope continues its explosion into the mainstream… vegan dining.

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Be my guest

If you follow me on Twitter, you will already know I am eating and drinking myself into oblivion in Los Angeles. I am having a fab time in my favourite city and have eaten in some of the best vegan establishments in the world.

Vegan life in London has kept trundling along while I have been living it up in SoCal, specifically the annual London Vegan Festival. I am a bit down about missing out on all the cruelty-free action but I do still get a small insight into the proceedings as Josh very kindly collected some photos of the event and has even written a few words about what went down.

Let’s get straight into it. Thanks, Josh!

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