16″ vegan hickory BBQ pizza reality madness

Looking back on my colourful childhood, I can vividly recall one of my favourite recurring memories.

My family didn’t have a lot of very much at all, so our recreation time was filled with cheap and cheerful activities that posed minimal threat to our meagre budget. We lived near the beach, so we went to the beach. Drive-ins were still big news Down Under, so my mother used to sneak me past the payment booth in the trunk to save money. And inexpensive store-bought pizzas were eaten in front of VHS screenings of low-budget horror films that were highly-inappropriate for people of my age.

So many of my formative hours were spent in front of titles such as The Burning, I Spit On Your Grave and Blood Beach while stuffing my face with greasy pizza. Such fond memories.

Flash forward a few decades and I am in London with no drive-in and no beach. I still adore gore flicks but the store-bought pizza has been a bit more troublesome to recreate for vegan me. Sure, Karma Free look after the herbivores but they are a long way from my house. Thankfully, I have discovered a pizza joint just 12 minutes away by car that serves a range of piping hot vegan pizzas! You know the rest…

Strap yourself in for a tale of epic eating proportions. I purchased two 16 inch vegan pizzas from Village Pizza and settled in for a night in West London in front of a bad horror movie.

Village Pizza of Twickenham

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¡comamos! vegan tapas supperclub

Spanish food is simply romantic, intoxicating and delicious. ¡comamos! Spanish supperclub is your chance to be swept up by the romance of this globally-adored cuisine.

Join blogger and London events ringleader Fat Gay Vegan as he presents the renowned Vegan Peasant Catering in a unique evening of vegan tapas, wine and Spanish music.

Held in the gorgeous surrounds of London boutique The Third Estate, ¡comamos! is set to be a magical night filled with gorgeous handcrafted delicacies, sumptuous vegan wines and la música española.


(subject to change due to availability)


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Some hope and some despair

It is no secret that I eat extremely well… and by well, I mean a lot. Food is a passion of mine and I am always seeking and searching for new experiences.

Enter Vgango.

Vgango of Battersea

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Cheesy vegan stuffed crust deep dish pizza

My friend Vegan Ronin (who cooked me one of the best meals of my life) has done me a massive favour. She has written a marvelous and comprehensive review of our trip to the vegetarian pizza parlour known as Karma Free Pizza.

Wanna know about greedy vegans stuffing their faces with vegan pizza? Read on!

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Hounslow hunger games

Like I do now and again, I am standing aside for Josh to fill you in on some of our latest eating adventures.

Anyone ever been near Heathrow airport and found themselves hankering for some curry? Tell us all about it, Josh…

Ashna of Hounslow

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You can crush us

I’ve met a lot of vegans over the past few weeks.

London Vegan Drinks has turned into a massive event and I am extremely fortunate to encounter new faces every month. My decision to volunteer as a buddy for the London Vegan Campaigns vegan pledge month has afforded me with the opportunity to meet wonderful new (and hopefully lifelong) vegans, while I’ve enjoyed dining and drinking with some of my blog readers who have been visiting London.

As positive as all of these situations have been, I must admit to being a bit shocked by a recurring admission made by some of these newly-acquainted vegans….

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I’m a lot like those people

With the increasingly-popular London Vegan Drinks taking place at tibits vegetarian restaurant and bar tomorrow night, I thought it the perfect time to remind you why it is still one of the finest places to dine on vegan food in London.

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Lifetime guarantee

In just 12 months London Vegan Potluck has become somewhat of an institution. The first Wednesday of every month has been turned into a glorious sea of vegan food delights.

But we don’t just stuff ourselves silly and stroke our bellies. Sometimes London vegans like to give back. In that spirit, we turned the most recent London Vegan Potluck into a fundraiser for Animal Aid. Sponsored by the wonderful Tupperware Man, the event raised approximately £150 for the charity through a raffle and partial sales donations.

(The Tupperware Man can also be found selling his wares this week as part of the super camp Dixie’s Tupperware Party at the Soho Theatre)

Potluck attendee Charlotte and her photographer companion Alicia have kindly offered to report back on the wonderful event. Take it away, friends…

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The Third Estate Grand Opening Celebration

London residents are in for an ethical treat as independent boutique The Third Estate throws open its doors on Saturday 12th May, 2012 to celebrate their new Camden location.

The Third Estate of London

(Read all about The Third Estate here)

The day long event has been planned to coincide with World Fair Trade Day and the store will be open from 10am until 6pm.

Some of the treats in store on the day will include:

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Top veggie restaurant in London

Here is your chance to let the world know which veggie restaurant you think is the finest in the entire city of London.

Food magazine The Jellied Eel is taking votes to discover the best vegetarian restaurant in the capital. The list is huge and I believe all of my favourites are shortlisted. 222 Veggie Vegan are on there as is the location of London Vegan Drinks, tibits. There are so many quality restaurants on the list that it is rather a difficult task narrowing it down.

Click here to vote

Voting closes on May 27 so hurry to be in the running for a dinner for two at the winning restaurant! And of course I would love to know who you voted for… leave me a message in the comments below.