It’s a date!

Fantastic news for London vegans and their friends!

Following on from the hugely-successful event in September and news of the next drinks night happening on Thursday October 20, I am delighted to announce tibits has agreed to host London Vegan Drinks on a long term basis.

The Central London restaurant and bar is a fabulous location in the heart of Mayfair. Our event is housed in the generously-proportioned downstairs room featuring ample seating, tables, child-friendly activities, relaxed lighting and non-stop music. It is a special space and tibits has locked us in as a regular event.

London Vegan Drinks will always be on the 3rd Thursday of each month. This is a perfect accompaniment to the thriving London Vegan Potluck events that are held in Holborn on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Now there are plenty of opportunities to meet, greet and avoid eating meat in the capital.

If you like to plan ahead, the next six London Vegan Drinks have been locked into the tibits diary. They are as follows:

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I know I won’t be leaving here

Josh has taken on guest reviewer duties once again following a recent trip to Glasgow. Take it away…

I am seriously impressed by Glasgow and it’s hard to know where to start.

When I found out that my job was taking me to Glasgow for four days, I immediately looked to HappyCow and was delighted to see that there was not one, not two… but FOUR completely vegan eateries located in the city plus several vegetarian places.  How could I possibly fit them all in?  Apologies in advance for the dodgy phone-photos.

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London Vegan Drinks review: September 2011

Last night was one for the history books as London Vegan Drinks steamrolled into the capital in a major way.

London Vegan Drinks

The evening was destined to be memorable. Regent Street was packed with bustling shoppers, workers and tourists as I made my way to Tibits. I was delighted to be out on a hot, London night anyway but the London Vegan Drinks attendees and Tibits staff quickly turned the outing into one of my favourite nights in recent memory.

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Alma matters

As I am busy preparing for London Vegan Drinks (that is, harassing people via email and Twitter), Josh has kindly stepped in to keep you informed of vegan eats and drinks in the town of Oxford.

Take it away, Josh.

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1847 was a very good year

You would think gifting the world with Morrissey is enough but no, Manchester just can’t stop giving. This time it isn’t a whip-smart, whimsical lyricist being served up by this generous Northern city but vegetarian and vegan delights in a stunning setting.

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Take me to the places that I love best

Hampstead Heath is just about as famous/infamous a location as you can get in London. The stunning inner-city parkland is a historical, picturesque expanse of greenery dotted with reservoirs and woodlands. People make the trip to the park from all over the city to take in the glorious skyline views, admire the wildlife and engage in sexual activities.

Oh yes. Sex. The Heath has long been a destination for men seeking casual and anonymous encounters. Of course, its most famous cruiser is George Michael who allegedly shouted “Fuck off! It’s part of my culture” to a snooping tabloid reporter as he unashamedly went about his business.

But aside from Hampstead being a visual treat and a place for the interested to meet, it is also a charming and surprising must-visit location for vegans.

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Pushing the night into the daytime

Long before I was fat and vegan (gay always), I spent a lot of time in a seaside town that Australia forgot to close down. My friends and I constantly lived on the verge of adventure and despair as we dodged the equally-dangerous obstacles of local thugs and mediocrity. The main attractions were an almost-dilapidated pier, a skate park and many drive through liquor stores that asked very few questions of disengaged teenagers with a few dollars to spend. We would walk through the idling cars filled with older-than-us locals buying cartons of ice cold beer before boldly placing our orders for the cheapest drinks in the store.

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Am I moving too fast for you?

There is a place in the north of England with crooked lanes paved with old stones. This town knows a brutal and harsh history. Pubs are named after torture devices and methods of execution while a seemingly-benign grass patch hides the remains of a cholera burial ground. It is a location that both delights and astounds with its past of inglorious tales.

It is also a place where many fabulous occurrences take place. Within the space of a few hours in the city this past weekend I ate at a completely vegan Spanish restaurant, had my photo taken with superstar of screen and fashion Chloë Sevigny and witnessed Morrissey perform a stellar concert to a venue packed with adoring fans.

Welcome to York.

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I find another beauty mark with every glass of red wine

I wanted to write a post with a long title and a short story.

Vegan red wine is available at UK supermarket chain Sainsbury’s in a plastic bottle. This pleases me immensely. The Cabernet Sauvignon is delicious and ridiculously inexpensive.

Over and out.

Vegan red wine by the plastic bottle


Summer is almost upon us here in the UK but you’d be forgiven for thinking it had passed us by without saying hello. There are dark, ominous clouds filling the western sky as I type from under my blanket. I feel there is only one thing that can bring the warmth and brightness back into my dull world. Cider.

I am a huge fan of Brothers cider. Their vegan range is an impressive collection of tasty drinks housed in bottles and cans. I have written about their strawberry, toffee apple and pear flavours previously and am always on the lookout for their other varieties.

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