Bowl for Oceans

On Sunday January 6, 2013 you will not want to be anywhere else other than The Kingpin Suite near Russell Square in Central London. Compassionate party goers are set to really warm up this mid-Winter weekend with bowling, karaoke, music and a full bar at the Bloomsbury Lanes complex.


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Free event in North London

If the idea of attending a free event that involves vegan food, relaxation and swapping goods with likeminded souls appeals to you, you are going to love this day out in North London.

I was recently contacted by Mia and asked to pass on this information regarding the event she is hosting. The floor is yours, Mia:

We’re holding a Free Christmas Fair on 25 November, 2012 at Pakeman Primary School, Holloway N7 from 10:30am. During this event there will be a ‘give and take’ which will include clothes, books, toys etc. We will be having film viewings (Forks Over Knives, Story of Stuff and No Impact Man) as well as services like Reiki, massage and maybe a yoga class. All for free.

The event is run by volunteers who are donating their time just for the love of it.

We are also asking people to bring a vegan dish to the event so we can share in some yummy vegan food. Those who might not have tried vegan dishes before could be able to taste them.

All offers of help, especially food contributions would be very gratefully received!

To get involved or to find out more information, email Mia miadukelow AT or visit the Facebook event page

London needs to eat more Vedge

London is a fabulous city, but it is missing a certain something… vegan fine dining.

I am aware that we have an amazing and growing array of plant-based foods to choose from, but I am talking about high end service and exquisitely hand-crafted cuisine. There isn’t anything, right? Well, now you can be part of a movement to help change this in the most marvellous way imaginable.

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Never again

Sit back, relax and enjoy a brief review of one restaurant I will probably never eat in again.

Josh and I were on our way to the West Midlands Vegan Festival when hunger struck. A bit of vegan keyword searching, followed by a touch of Google mapping, and we were standing inside a vegetarian restaurant located in the town of West Bromwich. The name of the establishment? Jalapeños.

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In too deep

Whenever you eat vegan food in a non-vegan establishment, you really are at the mercy of the place. I recently found out that one of my favourite non-vegan vegan food suppliers was maybe not taking my food choices as seriously as I was.

Does this story have a happy ending? Read on…

The Gallery Cafe on Old Ford Road

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NuGo for it!

I miss the USA for a few reasons.

I miss the constant sunshine and warmth of Southern California. I miss loved ones. I miss my favourite restaurants such as Native Foods, Flore, Vedge and Veggie Grill. I miss Homegrown Smoker. I miss Las Vegas. I miss New York City. I miss the Florida Keys. I miss Sunday afternoon beer busts in gay dive bars. I miss the prevalence of spoken Spanish.

And I desperately miss these products…

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Calm yourself

I am seriously into the grand, sweeping vegan announcements such as new restaurant openings and scandalous posts about non-vegan food being sold to plant-eaters. It must be the drama that attracts me.

But a FGV needs to decompress now and again. I can’t live my whole life at 10. Sometimes I need to relax and cruise around the 2 or 3 dial. That is why you get a post like this one today. It’s for my mental wellbeing.

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So you don’t have to

I’m going to start this negative review by saying no one could be more surprised by FGV not liking a potato-based snack than FGV. I am so obsessed with potato, I’m not far from eating it raw. I eat it steamed, mashed, fried, boiled, baked and any which way you wanna serve it.

But I won’t eat it out of this packet ever again…

Just Crisps… not gonna be OK

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