Vegan restaurant NOT closed!

Remember when I told you Dou Dou in Camden was closed? You can see that original and hysterical post here.

The truth of the matter appears to be that the restaurant was closed temporarily for renovations.

Check out this update from Kellie:

As we came back home via London after the Vegan River Cruise, we happened by Camden and…whether to rub salt into my wounds or what…we decided to peak at the old Dou Dou…only to be very excited by the A-board out the front and the neon Open sign flashing!!

So apparently Dou Dou was closed for 3 weeks over Christmas for some renovations. Everything looked fairly similar / if not the same except perhaps for new tiles on the floor. There were some new faces and less staff than usual. It does make me wonder why they wouldn’t let people know (even if just by written sign on the door) that they were only temporarily closed?!

But…if renovations were in the works it perhaps suggests a more rosy picture than them struggling 🙂

Thanks for the good news, Kellie!

Vegan restaurants: 1. London soaring property prices: 0.

Get back into Dou Dou for greasy vegan food.

Dou Dou FGV

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