VBites Cafe

I’m not sure if vegan food in the UK really is as lacklustre as I think it is or if the problem is I have eaten in incredible restaurants that have made me hyper-critical, but I am getting grumpy about second rate options in this country.

There are moments of deliciousness and innovation, but overall I find the UK vegan food scene to be desperately in need of a revolution.

Take VBites Brighton as an example.

shop front

On paper this should be incredible. In reality, it is pedestrian.

I wanted and expected this place to be impressive. I adore a huge amount of products in the VBites range and a week doesn’t go by in our house where we don’t consume at least a few items from their massive selection.

It is actually their vegan chicken pieces that I eat the most regularly at home and it was this product that was the strangely the cause of the biggest let down in the cafe. The BBQ Chicky burger I ordered featuring these pieces was on the cold side of warm when it arrived and didn’t taste of a whole lot. I left it on the plate after eating a third.

The roast dinner got a mixed response from our table. Josh told me he thought some of it was tasty but added that he would never order it again. I was completely uninspired. Watery gravy is not to my liking, neither are flavourless vegetables that taste as though they have been sitting in a warming tray for a while.

I will also never understand why many people in this country think a milkshake needs to have the consistency of water. Make them thicker, people!






On the good side?

The cafe is owned by a vegan. There is a huge selection of VBites products to purchase. The cafe is 100% vegan, one of only a handful of true vegan eateries in the country. The people working the counter were very friendly. There is a large display of pantry and grocery items available. The cafe sells vegan cupcakes.






I don’t think I personally would return to the cafe in it’s current form to dine but would check it out again if I heard the menu had changed for the better. When in Brighton, my preference for comfort food will always be the infinitely superior Loving Hut. Their menu is exactly how this sort of food should be done.

What do you all think? Have you eaten with VBites and enjoyed the food? I would love to hear if you’ve tried something on the menu that you loved.

Follow VBites Brighton on Twitter

8 thoughts on “VBites Cafe”

  1. It’s odd that you had that experience Sean, not to criticise your reviewing skills of course, but when I went there early this year the roast was very different indeed. The vegetables were freshly cooked and the gravy reasonably thick. I get the impression that possibly they cook the veg and leave it to a warming tray all day? We went around 11 in the morning. Also, it looks as if I got an awful lot more food on my plate than you did. Judge for yourself – https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bdx-JO5IYAEwMCd.jpg

      • Yours do look that way yes, mine were indeed nice and crispy, and quite fluffy inside. Also, your Yorkshire pud looks awful. I wonder what’s happened since January? Both myself and my eating partner had the roast and both of us were thoroughly satisfied by it

  2. I had a vegan milkshake from Funky Cow in Chester the other day, and it was amazing. Despite all the non-vegan things that are in your face in there, they make an incredible vegan milkshake, nice and thick. My thoughts while drinking it were that it was like what I remember McDonald’s milkshakes being like in both taste and texture.

    I’ve actually never eaten vbites food that I’m aware of, up north is a desert for vegans. Thank Godzilla for Holland & Barrett!

  3. I went to VBites earlier this month on a visit to Brighton and had an excellent meal: the mediterranean vegetable and balsamic pizza, which was loaded with delicious vegan cheese and fresh vegetables! I’ve heard good things about the burgers too from friends in the area. I’m sorry to hear you had a poor meal there though.

  4. I live in Brighton and haven’t been to VBites yet – have been reluctant to due to very mixed reviews (and I always feel under pressure when taking anyone to a vegan place to take them to a GOOD vegan place – even when I haven’t previously been!) It looks very overpriced to me for what it is, and cold watery food is a definite no-no:/ I’ve also yet to go to the Loving Hut… am definitely making it next on the list though, I’ve heard nothing but good things – and the food looks a lot more interesting too:)

  5. Vegan In Brighton has just blogged about a nice meal at Vbites (three different mini burgers, a meal she previously reviewed). I haven’t been for ages except for cake.

    They used to have amazing bread too but sadly stopped selling it.


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