Stick it to the pimp: vegan ice cream wars

The vegan ice cream wars are in full effect and a front runner has now taken the lead here in Barcelona. It is sweet, chocolate/candy coated and comes on a handy stick.  FGV readers, I introduce the Swedish Glace Pearl.

The weather during my Barcelona stay has so far been stunning. Hot days interspersed with refreshing sea breezes flowing in from the Mediterranean make for perfect ice cream consumption opportunities. Believe me when I say I have been making the most of said opportunities. The coming weeks will be littered with FGV references to newly-discovered iced delights but today we are going to concentrate on the new Pearl ice cream on a stick.

Swedish Glace are already considered champions of dairy-free ice cream (see FGV reviews here, here and here) and they have hit paydirt once again with this new stunner. The Pearl is a glorious combination of the creamy Swedish Glace strawberry that we know and love, a luscious coating of vegan chocolate and a smattering of crunchy, strawberry-flavoured, candy pearls. The pearls taste like that strawberry instant-milkshake powder usually mixed with milk. I am in love.

Pearl by Swedish Glace

This new love of my life is being rolled out to health food stores across Europe as you read. Keep and eye for the crunchy candy and chocolate coating. It is delightful.


8 thoughts on “Stick it to the pimp: vegan ice cream wars”

  1. Best this new product is kept far from my clutches – breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

    “Give up to lust, oh heaven knows we’ll
    Soon be dust … “


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