Chocolate is my drug

Gluten free, wheat free and dairy free chocolate can be obtained by strolling into your nearest Sainsbury’s supermarket. It’s that simple.

Vegan chocolate/candy bars readily available throughout the UK

High Street grocery retailer and all round mega-chain Sainsbury’s are constantly expanding their freefrom range. These products are designed to cater for diets requiring the absence of ingredients such as egg, dairy, wheat and gluten. While not all items under this branding are suitable for vegans, you will certainly discover a few cruelty-free surprises when you browse the freefrom section.Being the FGV you have come to love, I’m certain you won’t be shocked to discover my favourite freefrom item is of the chocolate variety. These bars are gluten free as well as vegan and I have seen two flavours on the shelves. I can’t vouch for the Choc ‘n’ Orange as Josh decided to sample that, but the Choc ‘n’ Crispie went down a treat. These bars do not compare to the candy brilliance of Go Max Go, but when you are on the run in the UK and desire a quick sugar hit these animal-friendly chocolates should come in handy.


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