Tessa, Laura and Millie

Remember how I wasn’t so sure about the #TerryTheTurkey video made by Vodafone? Even though the fictional story had a happy ending, I was concerned for the real animals used in the production of the advert (you can read my post here).

I’ve since found another video about rescued turkeys that is much more to my liking.

This sweet video made by Animal Aid details the happy lives lived by three rescued turkeys at Hillside Animal Sanctuary in Norwich. Click play to say hello to Tessa, Laura and Millie.

You can dig deep into your Christmas savings and sponsor one of the turkeys featured in this video. For just £10, you can help care for Tessa for an entire year.

Click here to sponsor Tessa or here to see all the other animals featured on the site for sponsorship.

Help turkeys. Don’t eat them!

Xmas 15 bottom advert

In Istanbul

After telling you about the airline food from his flight there and his flight back, Josh has finally found time to write about his recent work trip to Istanbul and it sounds so amazing that I think I’ll be booking a ticket to go there myself. Read on to find out what Josh had to say:

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Feel my temperature rising

Are you in the mood to look at delicious, cruelty-free food that is too good to be true? Excellent. You will not be disappointed.

Superstar vegan food producer Redwood Wholefood Company are very seldom matched for quality, range and taste. Their extensive selection of compassionate foodstuff includes deli slices, breaded vegan cheese, bacon rashers, burgers, faux chicken pieces and flavoured desserts. This brief product rundown is not even close to exhaustive… I could go on and on.

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