V Revolution still fabulous

Manchester. So much for which to answer. Or something like that.

A recent trip to the northern city was somewhat planned around a trip to V Revolution. Don’t know it? V Revolution is one of the finest examples of vegans doing fantastic stuff with food and making it an enjoyable experience, too.

The cafe is tucked away in the Northern Quarter and manages to churn out delicious burgers, irresistible hot dogs, ice cream floats, and the best nachos south of Edinburgh (yep, nothing beats Auld Hoose).

Scroll down to see what I’m talking about. These three photos are from my latest visit and looking at them you can imagine why the V Rev staff had to push me out the door at closing time. I didn’t want to leave!

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Cake liberation front

If you have been following me on Instagram and Twitter these past few days, you would have seen I have been eating everything vegan I could get my hands on in Manchester.

One thing related to veganism that I didn’t eat was this very interesting poster hanging on the notice board of V Revolution.

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The revolution will be veganised

I think I am living in the wrong city.

I want vegan junk food. I want vegan comfort food. I want the food to be tasty. I want the food to have flair. I want to eat the food in a super cool setting. I want cake options. I want drinks like shakes and floats.

I got exactly what I wanted in Manchester.

V Revolution is the type of food provider the UK has been screaming out for and of which vegan Londoners are surely gravely jealous. Of course the food is incredible or I wouldn’t be considering moving back to Manchester, but I’ll get to that with photos shortly. Let’s first talk about the fucking coolness of the shop.

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