London Animal Charities Fair

I have ceased overeating for a few moments in order to tell you about an exciting event coming up on the London animal welfare calendar.

London Animal Charities Fair is sweeping into Kings Cross on Sunday November 6, 2011 between the hours of 10am and 4pm. Housed in The Camden Centre, the day-long event is being staged as a fund-raising endeavour for a huge range of animal charities, welfare groups and activists.

Admission to the fair is £2 or £1.50 for pensioners while people under the age of 16 are admitted free of charge. Money raised through admission goes to covering the ongoing running costs of the fair. There will be a children’s activity area and a vegan cafe run by Loving Hut where you will be able to buy hot food, cakes and drinks.

Charities will be hosting stalls selling gifts, books, bric-a-brac and more in order to raise funds for their crucial campaigning. Stall holders will include Animal Aid, The Vegetarian Society, Wild Futures Monkey Sanctuary and Animals Asia. A number of talks will be given, including a session by Darren Collis of Sea Shepherd.

Scribble the date in your diary, tell your friends and put away a few pounds for a good cause disguised as a good day out. I’ll see you there.

London Animal Charities Fair, Sunday November 6, 2011, 10am-4pm

The Camden Centre (Euston Road Entrance opp. Kings Cross St. Pancras) WC1H 9LZ

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Be my guest

If you follow me on Twitter, you will already know I am eating and drinking myself into oblivion in Los Angeles. I am having a fab time in my favourite city and have eaten in some of the best vegan establishments in the world.

Vegan life in London has kept trundling along while I have been living it up in SoCal, specifically the annual London Vegan Festival. I am a bit down about missing out on all the cruelty-free action but I do still get a small insight into the proceedings as Josh very kindly collected some photos of the event and has even written a few words about what went down.

Let’s get straight into it. Thanks, Josh!

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To market, to market

Do you want to get involved in one of the most exciting vegan projects that has ever taken place in London?

Peter from October Cafe is developing a multi-vendor market in the heart of the city! I won’t waffle on too much as I want to give Peter the floor to explain how it works. Let’s just say it is a dream of mine to shop at an all vegan market and I will be first in line to see what the cruelty-free vendors have on offer.

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