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I don’t mind paying people to cook for me, but the truth is my partner Josh and I do a mighty fine job of keeping the vegan food on the table ourselves.

Josh is more of a main meal creator whereas I love snacks such as decadent toasted sandwiches. Just like Hannah Montana, it’s the best of both worlds.

Below are a few photos detailing some of the delights that have been crafted in our kitchen over the last two weeks or so. I have added a ‘Josh’ or ‘FGV’ after each photo description to let you know which fat, gay vegan made the meal.

Once you have scrolled through all the photos, for a bit of fun vote in the comments by stating whose food you would rather sit down to every night. FGV or Josh?

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Leave the chilli on the table and nobody gets hurts

Want to enjoy a delicious bean chilli but time is limited? Co-operative supermarket has got you sorted.

Co-operative chilli cook in sauce

I have always been strangely intrigued by chilli as a meal but have not encountered it often. Growing up in Australia, my closest encounter with this dish was the oft-repeated episode of the Simpsons in which Homer trips after eating a super-hot pepper. The whole concept of a cook-off filled me with wonder. As Homer strutted from stall to stall with his special chilli spoon, my fascination with the bean-filled, savoury goodness expanded. Sadly, chilli has only passed my lips a few times since I first saw that TV show but that could all change with the discovery of a chilli cook in sauce from Co-operative supermarkets.

Co-operative supermarkets have a fantastic track record of ethical policy, including a commitment to

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