Fry’s back in Holland & Barrett

After a concentrated email and telephone campaign waged by vegans all over the country, it appears Holland & Barrett have had a change of heart in regards to stocking Fry’s Vegetarian frozen vegan foods.

The story is still developing, but until we have more details all we can bring you is this brief statement from the website of the UK distributor of Fry’s, Beanie’s Health Foods:

The hiccough regarding pricing of our FRY’S products with Holland & Barrett has been resolved and therefore Holland & Barrett will soon be stocking the full range of FRY’S products within their stores with freezers.

As soon I can find out more information, I will post it here.

In the meantime, let’s celebrate!

Fry’s in a pickle

As many supermarkets and grocery store chains across the globe expand the choice of vegan products they offer, one leading UK health food retailer is seemingly going in the wrong direction.

Fry's Vegetarian... no more in H&B?

A recent tweet from a FGV reader alerted me to the fact that UK High Street retailer Holland & Barrett will no longer be selling the Fry’s Vegetarian range of frozen food. This news is a huge shock for the UK vegan community. Fry’s produce the finest range of frozen vegan goods in the world. Holland & Barrett has over 500 stores in the UK, reaching millions of consumers up and down the country. Consumers who are now without easy access to a quality brand of cruelty-free foods.

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Vegan ice cream wars go on and on

It has been a difficult battle and at times I have felt like I can’t go on. The vegan ice cream wars are starting to take a serious toll on me (mostly my waistline), but for the sake of public interest and immense greed I will continue. If only for my dear readers.

Triano cone - as Lisa and Bart said, "Meh".

This is the part that gets confusing. Tofutti is a well-established brand, churning out masses of dairy-free products that are exported all over the planet. I have often enjoyed their vegan ice creams, dessert sandwiches, cheese imitations and even a mini, frozen, vegan cheese pizza. I don’t believe they are the healthiest food choices, but they satisfy in a cholesterol-free and cruelty-free way.

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