Vegans in the valley

I am a big believer in communities self-directing and supporting each other in order to enact change. That is why I am thrilled to hear about this community-driven support group in the Calder Valley that is creating a support network for local people looking to make more compassionate choices in their lives.

The success of these sorts of groups usually sits with how engaged members feel and I can see by the line up of events 3 Valley Veg*ns has planned, engagement is not going to be an issue.

The group has an impressive calendar of events outlined for the near and distant future including market information stall, social walks, picnics, a summer barbecue and even a vegan cake baking class.


This is an important way change takes place and sticks. Compassionate people supporting each other and organising/socialising at a grassroots level creates a safe space to explore vegan living. It is a vital step in improving outcomes for non-human animals. Community and kinship matter.

I urge you to get involved with 3 Valley Veg*ns if you are anywhere near the Calder Valley and if you are further afield, take a leaf from their book and create your own compassionate community movement.

Follow 3 Valley Veg*ns on Twitter

Vegan airline food: guest post by The Vegan Butcher

Following on from the immense interest shown in my recent post about vegan airline food, I have started to ask people to share their words and pictures about their own experiences.

My friend The Vegan Butcher has kindly supplied me with a written account of her meal on a recent Air Canada flight. Doesn’t sound too shabby!

If you would like to submit a story about a vegan meal you have been served in the air, please email me (with photos) at fatgayvegan at hotmail dot com. I would love to feature some guest contributors. Let’s build a library of vegan airline food stories!

Take it away, The Vegan Butcher.

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Taking the long way ’round

Isn’t it fab when something wonderful pops up where you least expect it?

A few days ago I was cheerfully strolling around Halifax town centre in West Yorkshire when I stumbled upon a shop front called Food Therapy. As I possess the skill to spot a health food store from a quarter of a mile away, I hotfooted it over to explore just as quickly as my FGV trotters could carry my ample frame.

Soya mince pie with vegetables and gravy at Ginger, Halifax

Opening the door was akin to walking into my very own vegan heaven. Food Therapy is brimming with Redwood products, vegan ice cream, Fry’s frozen goods, sweets, hair care products and anything else needed to sustain a cruelty-free existence. They aren’t a vegan store, but they certainly have a fantastic range of products suitable for us. The grocery range is reason enough to sing the praises of this establishment but you suddenly get more bang for your quid when you take the internal staircase inside the store to the mezzanine housing Ginger Vegetarian Cafe.

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