Tear down the arches

Why are McDonald’s restaurants closing all over the UK?

I was walking along the high street of my new neighbourhood when I noticed a shop front that looked to be recently vacated. Staring carefully at the place where the business sign used to be, I could make out the outline of the word McDonald’s.

closed mcd

How fantastic! Any McDonald’s closure is a good thing for animals. This particular branch had minced up and sold dead animals for more than 30 years and now it was gone. But why are these stores closing and does it even mean people are eating more compassionately?

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Saf set to close

I would like to offer you the choice of hearing the good news or the bad news first, but to be honest I only have devastating news.

I am decidedly depressed to break the news that Saf Restaurant & Bar located in Whole Foods Market Kensington is set to close forever.

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