Vegan ice cream wars: brief update

A short and sweet entry for sugar junkies.

Swedish Glace Neapolitan

My love affair with Swedish Glace has been mentioned previously and my recent purchase has only strengthened my emotional connection to the non-dairy dessert. These ice cream connoisseurs have done it again with their Neapolitan variety.  The strawberry, vanilla and chocolate delight is housed in a FGV-pleasing 1.3 litre tub and satisfies on every level. It is creamy, sweet and fluffy, with each of the flavours deserving of their place in the line up.

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Vegan ice cream wars continue

Is there anything finer than a decadent, chocolate ice cream?

Vegan, organic Booja Booja

After being somewhat disillusioned by my last chocolate ice cream affair, my faith in the cold stuff has been restored thanks to the good folk of Booja Booja. This producer of organic sweets are experts in gluten free, dairy free and organic delights. They manufacture gourmet truffles with flavours such as Ginger Wine, Champagne and Cognac Banana… and then there is the ice cream.

My 110ml Hunky Punky Chocolate

Two things can impress me about a vegan ice cream. The taste is of course the most important factor but my FGV senses can also be stimulated by a cute flavour name. Booja Booja have managed to find the perfect coupling of taste and name with their variety called Hunky Punky Chocolate. It is available in three sizes (110ml, 500ml, 2 litre) and is a pure joy to eat. Creamy, smooth and rich. I devoured the smallest container available and now I dream of finding the 2 litre size to enjoy.

The vegan ice cream wars rage on, Booja Booja rise to the top and this FGV is satisfied… for now.

Vegan ice cream wars

It is part of my genetic make-up as a fat, gay vegan to be obsessed with ice cream.

Swedish Glace and Worthenshaws Freedom

Dairy free desserts are becoming increasingly easy to locate with most major supermarkets stocking at least one or two brands of vegan ice cream for the discerning, sweet-toothed vegan to purchase. I have become quite the non-dairy connoisseur during the last few years and have enjoyed scandalous affairs with various ice cream brands from all around the globe. Tofutti from the USA is a reliable friend and never lets me down. Coco Luscious is crafted in Australia and is too good to be true. I often dream of the decadent Booja Booja from the UK and its rich, chocolatey delights. This short list of favourites is just the tip of the vegan ice cream iceberg.

You get the picture, right? I am a self-proclaimed vegan ice cream know-it-all. I recently put this expertise to the test by comparing two brands available here in the UK.

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