Let me put you on my plate

I get asked a lot of questions as a vegan blogger living in London. People want to know my favourite places to eat. Where they can get vegan cheese. The top three vegan ‘must-see’ attractions if they are in town for just a day. If I’ll I go on a date with them…

OK, I admit the last one NEVER happens but the number of queries regarding veganism in London is huge. Out of all the questions and emails, there is one request that has been asked more than any other…

Who serves a hot vegan breakfast in London?

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Cool as ice

It must be a struggle for parents and carers of young children to navigate the minefield that is modern day junk food. Every high street store in the country is packed to the rafters with fat, sugar and artificial additives. If you are raising your child on a vegan diet, the challenge to find healthy and appealing snacks must be even more complicated.

But for those of you shopping for children, you are in luck! Your friendly FGV eats like a 10 year old but reads ingredients like a world-weary extremist… and has good news for you.

Let me introduce you to It’s Only Natural.

It's Only Natural
It’s Only Natural

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You don’t have to be a super sleuth

I know my memory isn’t what it used to be, but I’m fairly certain I have never hosted a giveaway on this blog.

Well friends, the times are changing. My first ever giveaway features a prize that is top class and the competition is available to you no matter where in the world you reside!

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Down by the river

There are some restaurants I feel you should do anything to get to, some I think you should avoid completely and others that are to be recommended only if you are passing.

The latter is how I feel about Riverside Vegetaria in Kingston.

Walking into this restaurant is like stepping back into the 1980s. The decor recalls an episode of The Golden Girls which saw the group dining out at a local trendy restaurant. Think lots of exposed brick and yellow-tinged lighting.

The step back in time doesn’t end with the decor. The menu is straight up old school vegetarian. Not to say that it isn’t tasty and filling, but there are certainly no fashion forward moments to be had. Food items in Riverside Vegetaria often border on camp, such as the lemon sorbet served in a hollowed out lemon.

A room with a river view
A room with a river view

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Animal talk

Super fast post.

If you are in London, UK this Friday (March 22) and you are interested in matters of academia and animal testing, you should be no place else.

‘Bred for purpose – the inherent, situational and pathogenic vulnerability of animals in contemporary biomedical research’ is a lecture given by Dr. Jane Johnson of the Department of Philosophy, Macquarie University Australia.

I am assured everyone is welcome to attend.

Full details are in the picture below. The location is a brief four minute walk from Mile End Underground station.


I think I love you

I didn’t get to be the FGV by eating a well-balanced diet and attending pilates everyday. My kitchen has often witnessed crimes against food decency while oil, sugar and too much of too much are usually my staples.

However, I am trying to improve my outlook and intake when it comes to my health. For the past month I have been enjoying a breakfast of raw oats, fresh or dried fruits, seeds and almond milk. I have been devouring record amounts of fresh fruit and have managed to cut out most processed sugar.

Don’t fear, though. My run as the loveable gay carrying too much weight is not coming to an end anytime soon. I love cider and beer too much for that to happen. But I am searching out ways to eat more food that is less bad for me without giving up the sweet thrill I am addicted to… and today I hit the jackpot.

Wild Trail wholegrain bars
Wild Trail wholegrain bars

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Army of Moz

Online Morrissey fan group Mozarmy is set to stage a charity event at an inner city Manchester nightclub on May 26th, 2013 in order to raise money for the Manchester and Cheshire Dogs’ Home. 

There isn’t a person on Earth with a working knowledge of popular culture who would dispute the fanaticism of Morrissey/The Smiths followers. But far from sitting in the solitude of their dark bedrooms listening to the songs that saved their lives, modern day Morrissey fans have evolved with the times to ensure they stay connected with their hero’s music and, more importantly, each other.

Smiths and Morrissey fans around the globe have embraced a virtual Twitter group called Mozarmy like a second family. The online fan collective, founded by London-based Scot Julie Hamill (@marriedtothemoz), brings together like-minded music fans sharing a common obsession with all things Morrissey and The Smiths. Julie is the perfect leader for such a group, as her riveting ’15 Minutes’ interview series with Morrissey/Smiths collaborators proves (juliehamill.com).

Perform a Twitter #Mozarmy search and you will discover lyric trade-offs, witty banter, news updates, the weekly Mozarmy quiz, picture swapping and possibly some virtual romance between far-flung Moz disciples perched on opposite sides of the world.


This unique fan club is set to take their commitment to the next level by staging a unique Morrissey/Smiths night with special guests in legendary Manchester venue Star & Garter on May 26th, 2013.

The night is not only a chance for virtual friends to discover whom among them is real, but it will also feature appearances and entertainment by noted artists and Morrissey/Smiths associates as well as raise funds for local animal charity the Manchester & Cheshire Dogs’ Home.

Manchester legend and Smiths/Morrissey photographer Kevin Cummins will be taking photos on the evening, broadcaster/performer and Morrissey fan Amy Lamé is hosting a special quiz while former Morrissey drummer Andrew Paresi and bassist Jonny Bridgwood will be making appearances.

More surprise guests to be confirmed closer to the event.

Tickets are available for £12 (+ fee) from mozarmymeet-estw.eventbrite.com

For more information contact Julie Hamill via contact@juliehamill.com

First Annual Mozarmy Meet

Star & Garter Manchester

Sunday May 26th, 2013

8pm – 4am

Breaking: Jamie Kilstein heads back to London

As you may be aware, I am proudly involved with a mammoth vegan festival heading to London Olympia this October. VegfestUK is the biggest vegan festival in the world and is now, for the first time in its long history, heading to the capital.

The line up of talent and respected performers/speakers/specialists is growing weekly and there has been a slew of recent announcements around the personalities heading to VegfestUK London for the weekend of October 5th and 6th, 2013. But as far as I’m concerned, here is the major reason to make sure you are at the event come October time…

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The only thing that helps me pass the time away

Josh has once again stepped in with a guest post, although I have a suspicion the only reason he volunteered to write for me was to make me jealous… he knows I ADORE potato!

Take it away, Josh.

For those of you with desk jobs, you probably know that feeling… it’s getting close to lunch time, it’s chilly and raining outside and the thought of a trek to the supermarket to battle it out with the lunchtime crowd just doesn’t appeal. I wanted something quick, cheap, tasty and filling. Sure, I am surrounded by great vegan options all just a short walk from where I work: Hummus Bros, The Vegetarian’s Paradise, Amico Bio etc. but none of them as convenient as the vegetarian cafe in The Mary Ward Centre on Queen Square, WC1.

This place is about a 50 second walk from my building so last week I grabbed my umbrella to shield me from the rain and grey skies and took the short walk up the street to this hidden gem.

The place is simple and inviting. You order and pay at the counter and there are about 20 small tables to sit around and take respite from the central London hustle and bustle. That day though, I just wanted to get back to the comfort of my desk so I got my lunch to takeaway.

The Mary Ward Centre
The Mary Ward Centre

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You can crush us

You think you know a place and then BAM! You turn a corner and suddenly you realise how big and complex a city like London can be. The greatest wonders may very well have been under your nose the whole time.

I was surprised in just this manner during a recent food jaunt around the inner city London neighbourhood of Brixton. Strolling around like a vegan food-consuming superhero, I didn’t expect to be bowled over by a gorgeous juice bar serving plant-based drinks, sandwiches and salads.

Situated inside the bustling Market Place of Brixton Village, The Oracle’s Organic Juice Bar is a green oasis in a sea of shops and stalls offering all manner of animal products.

Oracle's of Brixton Village
Oracle’s of Brixton Village

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