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Are you sick of hearing news from me? Worn out by my digital voice?

Take a vacation from FGV and get busy following London Afro Vegan. Esme is a powerhouse of quality eating experiences, recipe ideas, reviews and general awesomeness.

If you follow her on Instagram you are getting budget vegan tips, top shelf humour, occasional political commentary and gorgeous food photos.

Here are some examples.

A post shared by Esme (@london_afro_vegan) on

A post shared by Esme (@london_afro_vegan) on

A post shared by Esme (@london_afro_vegan) on

A post shared by Esme (@london_afro_vegan) on

As you can tell from these posts, Esme has a fabulous sense of humour. She also uses her London Afro Vegan platform to let her followers know about upcoming events around the capital.

If you want vegan London news and cooking videos, you can’t go past London Afro Vegan.

Follow Esme on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Visit her blog here.

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