Quorn launch vegan soups


I’ve never eaten vegan Quorn but seeing as news of their brand almost broke my blog last time, I figured you would all want to know about this development.


The Quorn Facebook page states these are available in Sainsbury’s right now.

Both of these soups feature the vegan Quorn pieces. This is a perfect example of how huge corporations are responding to vegan demands. If it makes money for them, they will do it.

What do you think?

south of france cruise

4 thoughts on “Quorn launch vegan soups”

  1. I’m glad they are extending their vegan range as they are the main veggie option in so many supermarkets.

    These don’t really appeal to me personally because I am not a fan of Quorn – and I’m because not sure that I ever had soup with meat in, even way back in my non vegan days so the idea seems odd!

  2. cannot stress enough how much I hate quorn – wouldnt touch it with a barge pole even when i was vegetarian. It is so processed it is really really bad! never liked taste of meat so all quorn products useless to me, however I can see that the value in these products is supporting meat eaters moving towards vegan which is a good thing, but would never purchase myself.

    • What is it that you do not like may I ask?
      I am a vegetarian and very much a fussy eater as I don’t eat vegetables oddly enough.
      I turned to Quorn as a last resort, and found that I have loved every product I have tried. Their produce seems to be improving each time which is great for me.
      I find myself eating things I would never normally eat, such as their Vegan burgers as I have never eaten Beef in my life.
      People tried their damnedest to put me off, stressing that people had died eating it when it was first fermented.
      (I’m still alive) LOL


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