All vegan burger restaurant

During my recent cruise along the Danube, I was pleasantly surprised and sometimes shocked by how much vegan food is out there across Europe.

Take Linz, Austria for instance.

Linz is a city with a population floating around the 200,000 mark, so you might not expect to find much in the way of plant-based eating.

But Front Food is having none of my misconceptions.

This 100% vegan burger restaurant would not be out of place in NYC or LA, but a moderately sized city in the gorgeous Austrian countryside is the only place you’ll find it.

Check out the glorious decor and the mouthwatering cuisine.

Front Food entrance Front Food sign Front Food service area Front Food counter Front Food tray Front Food burger

You can like Front Food on Facebook or check them out online.

2 thoughts on “All vegan burger restaurant”

  1. Nice review!

    But I wouldn’t say Linz is in the countryside… And it’s not “moderately sized” for Austrian standards. It’s the third biggest city in Austria! 🙂 But i get what you mean. We’re all quite happy that we finally have a vegan restaurant in Linz. A few years ago it was sometimes difficult to even get a vegetarian menu in a regular restaurant, so this is quite a step!


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