Veganz news

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joe panel

I’m sure it’s not news that Berlin has two branches of the Veganz supermarket (by the way, does anyone get the pun in the name?), but for me perhaps an even greater sign of progress are the Veganz sections in one of Germany’s mainstream supermarkets, Kaiser’s (know as Tengelmann in Bavaria for some reason).

Veganz section in Kaiser’s

Highly visible vegan labelling in prominent locations in a major supermarket is a good sight to see. I feel it helps to normalise the word and concept. This in addition to other products proudly promoted as vegan, for instance in Kaisers’ own chilled sections.

Not Veganz section – just Kaiser’s own vegan advertisement

It’s not just Kaiser’s either, other supermarkets are pushing vegan products as well. Veganz also has concessions in Metro and Globus supermarkets. It’s good to know if you desperately need to do some midnight vegan shopping from treats to staples, there’s somewhere to go. Seitan powder, dried soya chunks, vegan cream (pouring or whipped), energy bars, sweets and chocolate, kale chips, cooking spices, omelette mix… (p.s. If you’re wondering, the pun in Veganz is that ‘ganz’ is German for ‘everything’).

Reminder: Join Joe for Berlin Vegan Drinks this week and join the Facebook page for future updates.

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8 thoughts on “Veganz news”

  1. Inspired and have booked flights to Berlin on the strength of it. Easy jet good deals. Best Vegan locations to stay?

    • I just returned from Berlin, I stayed in Kreuzberg (36 rooms in area 36). There is a vegan fast food place 2 mins away called Yellow Sunshine, with the best vegan burgers ever. The veganz supermarket with associated restaurant, cafe (selling vegan croissants!) and shoe shop is an easy metro ride or cycle away.

      • Yellow Sunshine is indeed very nice for fast food, but it’s vegetarian rather than vegan (unless they’ve converted very recently). They have tons of vegan options though, clearly marked, but just be sure to check the menu.

    • Ah, excellent!

      I like DM, their website specifically declares products as vegan or not. Now if only they’d put it on the product packaging too!


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