Pitfield list

Pitfield has been with London Vegan Beer Fest since the beginning and I’m super happy to have them back again in 2015.

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This brewery is a staple of vegan events and festivals all over the country, so it makes perfect sense for them to be one of the star attractions at our little ol’ beer fest in King’s Cross this weekend.

Check out this list of pours on offer from Pitfield Brewery this Saturday at London Vegan Beer Fest:

Draught Beers

Sea Shepherd Ocean Warrior 4.5% ABV – 10p of every pint goes to help fund their vital work It is brewed with lager hops and ale yeast. It has a silky honeyed flavour up front, with a gentle bittersweet moreish citrus finish

1850 London Porter 5.0% ABV – This is a black beer, with chocolate and dark malt flavours. It is brewed to a Whitbread recipe from 1850. In 2010 it won the Champion Bottled Beer of Britain Silver Award and the 2010 Champion Beer of the SIBA East BeerCompetition

Woodbine Racer 4.2% ABV – Lusciuous sweet malt flavours combine with tropical fruit notes from 3 different American hops, to create a fantastic refreshing ale

Organic Lager 4.5% ABV – A light refreshing beer. Brewed with all pale malt, Hallertau hops and a true lager yeast


Light Ale 3.6% ABV – A light colour tasty beer, made with the finest English malt and hops

Organic Lager 3.7% ABV – see notes in draught but note different ABV in bottle form

Pitfield Bitter 3.7% ABV – This is our session beer. It is the first beer we brewed in the cellar of the Beer Shop 8 Pitfield Street N1, back in the early 1980’s. It has a malty, nutty taste, and a dry bitter hop finish.

Shoreditch Stout 4.0% ABV – A medium bodies stout. Made with chocolate malt to gvie flavours or cocoa and currants

Eco Warrior 4.5% ABV – This was our first organic beer. It is brewed with lager hops and ale yeast. It has a silky honeyed flavour up front, with a gentle bittersweet moreish citrus finish. It is our best selling beer

Red Ale 4.8% ABV – Amber red in colour, this beer is a true best bitter. It has an initial big malt taste, giving way to a deeply satisfying bitter finish. 2009 ‘Highly Commended’ in the Soil Association Organic Food Awards

1850 London Porter 5.0% ABV – see notes in draught

NI Wheat Beer 5.0% ABV – Brewed with a high percentage of malted wheat, and a true wheat beer yeast, this beer has the classic Belgian wheat beer flavours of vanilla and orange peel. 2010 Champion Speciality Beer in SIBA East Beer Competition

Ginger Beer 5.0% ABV – A golden beer with a sweet malt initial flavour with a warming ginger flavour. Brewed with real root ginger

1837 India Pale Ale 7.0% ABV – This is a true IPA. Strong in alcohol, and with lots of hops. It is a light copper coloured beer, with a floral aroma, and a lasting peppery bitterness. Featured in Roger Protz’s ‘300 Beers to Try Before You Die’

1792 Imperial Chocolate Stout 7.3% ABV – The recipe for this beer is from the days when powerful stouts were brewed for export to Russia The beer is rich dark brew, with flavours of, chocolate, coffee and currants

1890 Stock Ale 10% ABV – A traditional style that was brewed on country estates. Strong in alcohol, and well hopped to last from one harvest to another. This beer is loaded with rich flavours of sherry, and a hint of whisky, with a mouthwatering bitter finish

Wow. What a list.

You all have a lot of beer to get through on Saturday with the above as well as the lists from Clarkshaws, Brass Castle and Hastings that have been announced (and 4 more brewery drink lists are yet to arrive!).

Visit Pitfield online

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Buy tickets for London Vegan Beer Fest by clicking here NOW!

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