Bite-sized, crumbed and oven cooked. You know you want it.

There is a profit-fuelled frenzy occuring in UK supermarkets and grocery stores. Major chains are falling over each other to snare a larger slice of the compassionate shopper market and we vegans are faced with an ever-expanding choice. Alongside old-timers such as tofu, shop shelves are now showcasing cruelty-free newbies such as roast ‘beef’, air freshener, dishwashing liquid, hairspray and countless other products labeled suitable for vegans.

One of my favourites from this overwhelming wave of cruelty-free items is the new box of Vegetable Dunkers from Sainsbury’s. I recently purchased a frozen box, raced home through the icy streets and shoved them into the oven. Minutes later they were sitting on my plate with greens and carrot cooked in an agave/balsamic marinade. I threw in a few chipotles for good measure.
Dunkers. Vegan. Get ’em while they’re hot.