Petition time!

CLICK HERE TO SIGN or read on for more details

Do you remember when we all joined together as one vegan superpower and got Holland & Barrett to reverse their decision to not stock the Fry’s Vegetarian frozen vegan product range?

Fry’s Vegetarian original vegan burger

Well, we are about to flex our collective plant-based consumer muscle once again to ensure the same vegan food options are available all over the UK… in Sainsbury’s!

What is this campaign all about?

Consumers choose foods free of animal products for many reasons. Scientific evidence suggests the production of plant-based food contributes significantly less to environmental damage and climate change than animal farming.

Many religions require devotees to adhere to meat and dairy free diets during certain celebrations. People often choose a diet free of animal products for ethical reasons as they don’t agree with modern factory farming methods. Health is another major factor. A plant-based diet is completely free from cholesterol.

With plant-based food choices becoming increasingly popular amongst UK consumers, it is time for major food suppliers such as Sainsbury’s to answer this call for more vegan choices in their aisles. Brands such as Quorn and Linda McCartney have monopolised veggie shelves in UK supermarkets but very few of their items cater to people who want animal-free food. Quorn and Cauldron have the biggest presence of any veggie brands in the UK. The trouble is, they are the same company and clearly have little interest in serving the vegan community. Most of their products are not animal-free and those that are, are not even labeled suitable for vegans.

We don’t want egg in our food. We want burgers, pops, pies, schnitzels, sausages, sausage rolls, chunky strips and everything else made by Fry’s Vegetarian because it is all vegan!

Fry’s Vegetarian traditional vegan sausages

What can you do?

Click here to sign the petition to urge Sainsbury’s to carry vegan food by Fry’s. The petition will be sent to Sainsbury’s on your behalf.

Add extra steam to the campaign by emailing the following Sainsbury’s contacts to strengthen your request: Category Product Developer Buyer Head of Frozen Category Manager

Post a link to this page everywhere. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. Google+. Tumblr. Post it on message boards and your own blogs. Email it to family and friends and enemies. Get everyone you know to take one minute out of their day to sign the petition. Use any part of the text on this page in any way you see fit.

Leave a comment below letting us know if you have emailed/signed the petition/heard back from Sainsbury’s. Like all big businesses, they are not going to take notice unless we have big voices.

Let’s do it!

Imagine this in your local Sainsbury’s supermarket!

34 thoughts on “Petition time!”

    • Thank you for your insightful comment. The point of a petition of this kind is to prove to a business that the product we are asking for would be commercially profitable. I hope this clears up your agressive confusion.

    • Subjecting others to your ways:
      – Forcing others to eat vegan food
      – Forcing others to die so you can eat them
      – Forcing others to produce milk and eggs so you can eat them

      Not subjecting others to your ways:
      – Promoting a lifestyle that doesn’t force others to die so you can eat them
      – Eating plant-based foods instead of the dead bodies of others
      – Asking supermarkets to stock foods that help people to do the above

      Clear? Yes? Good.

  1. Over 100 signatures already & the petition has only been up a few hours! Thank you so much to everyone who has been signing and spreading the word. Hopefully a few of you will also be emailing the addresses above. Next stop: 200 signatures!

  2. I wonder how getting a few vegan products into a supermarket is ‘subjecting everyone to your ways’ hahah!!! Obviously doesn’t read the rest of your blog (as there are places that do specialise in these products, like the kosher store you were in recently). Maybe Geoff can close his eyes when he walks past the vegan section in the supermarket so he doesn’t get ‘brainwashed’ hahahah. Good luck with the petition FGV 🙂

  3. I think this is a great idea, but I remember something at the back of my mind about Fry’s saying they would never sell to mainstream supermarkets and only through health food shops.
    I think they are totally against the way the supermarkets screw the manufacturers/farmers and can dictate terms on price and then drop orders with no notice. Good luck though, it would make things so much easier!

    • Here is something I posted on Facebook. Just copying to save time!…… Yes, I am doing this campaign with Fry’s blessing. The UK distributors (Lisa & Pat) are a UK, vegan family company that has worked tirelessly to get Fry’s products to as many corners of the UK as possible. They do so much charity work and supporting local vegan/veggie shows with free samples… they need to take the next step of getting into a major to make sure their distribution company stays viable. Hope some of you can get behind the campaign! If it is not your cup of tea, no hard feelings xx

  4. Love this! I’ve never tried Fry’s, but it would be so good to be able to pick that sort of thing up when I go to Sainsbury’s. They do a great job with their gluten-free range (even if most of it contains egg, so I can’t eat it), so I know they could provide for vegans. I’ve signed & am passing it on.


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