Here is a super cute vegan food adventure for those living in or visiting the seaside city of Brighton.
At the rear of Brighton station (and sometimes at the front) is a 100% vegan food trailer called CousCups and they are serving up some tasty-sounding takeaway food.
Owner/operator Marc told me all of the packaging they use is compostable which is obviously fabulous. The trailer sells a range of porridges including pesto porridge with toasted pine nuts plus couscous/quinoa salads with homemade seitan and hummus.
You’ll also find smoothies and launching soon (maybe it has already – I’m sometimes slow getting stories up) is a pearl barley dish with sautéed garlic mushrooms, caramelised onion, BBQ seitan, rice paper maple bacon, a cheese sauce core and topped with facon crispies and a piece of southern fried seitan. That sounds OUTRAGEOUS!
Before we check out some photos, be sure to follow CousCups on Instagram and Facebook.