Vegan supermarket nominated for BBC award

File this news under ‘Fuck yeah!’.

A legendary vegan workers’ co-operative, which has served the Manchester community for two decades (yes, 20 years), has been shortlisted for a national BBC Food and Farming award.

Unicorn Grocery in Chorlton is a fabulous store packed solid with fresh produce, locally-sourced deli foods, ciders, pantry items, personal care items and much more.

In fact, you could comfortably find everything you need for a weekly shop under their roof.

The BBC Food and Farming Awards are broken up into several categories, with Unicorn being shortlisted in the Best Food Retailer category.

The BBC explain this category by saying:

This award celebrates the local shops making a positive difference to our lives, our high streets and communities by selling great quality, delicious and affordable food. Whether it’s a butchers or fishmongers, a bakery, deli or farm shop – we asked what is great about the food they source, the service they provide and their impact on the surrounding area.

I think it is fantastic that a completely vegan grocery store is one of just three businesses to have been nominated in this category.

We can’t do anything to help Unicorn Grocery win their category as the awards are completely judge voted, but we can send out best wishes to them via social media.

Let them know how thankful you are for the hard work they do for their community and how pleased you are to see them nominated by sending a message of support via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Follow that unicorn on the road to love

Unicorn Grocery in Manchester

Manchester has a lot of things going for it. From the innumerable musical acts that have risen from the streets to its rich industrial history, Manchester is a place like no other in the north of England that keeps me coming back for more.

Undoubtedly one of the most intriguing attractions in the city for compassionate visitors is the 100% vegan grocery store known as Unicorn. Yes, that is correct. Every single item for sale in this owner-operated co-operative is cruelty-free. Fresh fruit and vegetables line the entrance while wine, cider and beer jostle for space along the shelves. Bulk goods sit beside household cleaning products and a huge deli case brims with tasty treats. Wanna see what I bought?

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