Quorn launch vegan soups


I’ve never eaten vegan Quorn but seeing as news of their brand almost broke my blog last time, I figured you would all want to know about this development.


The Quorn Facebook page states these are available in Sainsbury’s right now.

Both of these soups feature the vegan Quorn pieces. This is a perfect example of how huge corporations are responding to vegan demands. If it makes money for them, they will do it.

What do you think?

south of france cruise

I just can’t get enough of that stuff

The creation of the Internet has led to some strange and wonderful occurrences in life. But I’m not sure I’ve experienced a more unexpected social media surprise than pop star Darren Hayes sending me a recipe for soup, with personalised tips on how to make it vegan.

My history of interaction with the ex-Savage Garden singer goes way back. There was the time I gave Darren a Stars Wars figurine as a gift. I was much, much younger and hanging out to meet my pop star idols was a favourite past time. Pop-loving me was was beyond thrilled when Darren phoned me at home in Sydney, Australia that night to say thanks for the action toy.

Fast forward a year or two later and I was hanging out after seeing Darren’s band Savage Garden in concert in Manchester, UK. I think it was around the time I was about to turn vegan and Darren was about to turn gay (love and jokes, Darren!).

Darren loved the Madonna t-shirt I was sporting and invited me onto the tour coach for a short chat about pop music and other hot topics. It was a fabulous opportunity for fan boy me to spend some time talking with someone I looked up to musically.

Then we need to fast forward about 15 years for my next Darren Hayes encounter.

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