The following is an excerpt from Fat Gay Vegan: Eat, Drink and Live Like You Give a Sh!t. (Nourish Books)
Why should vegans (and all citizens!) work hard to build healthy communities?
Community is not all about vegan beer festivals and eating as much as you can at a potluck. We vegans also need to take action for other members of our community in order to foster solidarity and resist oppression. That might result in you having to extend yourself into situations that don’t directly benefit you personally, but being part of a healthy community is sometimes watching your neighbours succeed or be lifted up instead of you.
Seven years ago, a lifelong dream of mine came true. I published a book. Not just any book, rather a book that poured every ounce of my heart, values, and hope for a better world into its pages. Fat Gay Vegan: Eat, Drink and Live Like You Give a Sh!t wasn’t just about veganism—it was about compassionate consumerism, social justice, and the belief that the choices we make can ripple out to create real change.
I worked hard on this book. Every word, every anecdote, and every call to action. To see it in print was a true moment of pride, but to have people still connecting with it seven years later? That’s a gift beyond anything I could have imagined.
It has not been a good run for Rudy’s Dirty Vegan Diner lately.
Firstly, there has been the very public and slightly mysterious departure of the London restaurant’s founders. For their part, the investors currently in charge of operations claim no ill will or underhandedness has gone on, however this post from co-founder Matthew doesn’t make it sound like a bed of roses.
In the instance you are unable to view the above post, I have copied the text below:
Dear All, Rudy and I have decided that we need to issue a short statement about our current situation. – We cannot go into details at this time, but I can confirm that Rudy and I are no longer affiliated with Rudy’s Dirty Vegan Diner, or Rudy’s Vegan Diner, or Rudy’s Vegan Butcher and we have not been involved with the businesses since the beginning of January 2021. – As we are sure you know we set up these businesses and we put our heart and soul into creating the business and all of its associated products. We were very sad to leave behind our creation, but as many of you know, we were never in it for the money, our driving force was always the welfare of the animals and the planet. We would like to extend our eternal thanks to all of our customers who have supported us so loyally over the years. It’s our hope that one day in the future we will start again from scratch and open a business which can continue to make a difference. Much love to all, Matthew and Rudy
It is sad news.
Independent vegan business can be brutal and this past year has stretched many owners beyond their emotional and financial limits.
I don’t know what has gone on between the founders and the investors, so I won’t speculate.
I just hope it all works out for the best for them. They have done so much to promote vegan lifestyles in London and they deserve professional and personal success.
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s move onto problem the second.
What the heck is going on with the Rudy’s Instagram account?!
I have no idea who is running the show over there but they need some crucial emergency interventions around inclusive language, sexism, and customer interactions.
Check out this Instagram post from yesterday, International Women’s Day 2021 (the post has since been deleted by the account following customer complaints):
In the instance you can’t see the post, it features a photo of a vegan burger and the text, “Happy Women’s Day to all the beautiful women out there that look as gorgeous as this Dirty burger’.
Right. Are you ready? Let’s begin.
This is one of the most inept and inconsiderate social media posts I have ever seen from a vegan company. It is simply contemptable.
I struggle to understand how a brand can miss the mark so badly and in follow up comments even go further to dig themselves into a hole. The screen grab above shows an interaction between the account and a customers in which their point of view is defended because their delicious burgers are, just like women, fundamental.
I am not often left speechless but this had me staring at my screen for a long time, mouth agape.
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women’s achievements or rally for women’s equality.
So, nothing about celebrating gorgeous women and comparing them to juicy vegan burgers then? No?
This type of bullshit needs to be called out, especially in the London vegan community.
Many of us work hard to challenge this sort of harmful nonsense because we care about women. Our compassionate lifestyle choice is not a platform from which to launch misogynistic missives in order to sell food for a profit.
I haven’t seen an apology or statement of understanding from the people currently running Rudy’s.
The brand removed the offensive post and replaced it with this:
Happy International Women’s Day? This date is the publicly recognised collective front for global women’s movements to redress violence, sexism, economic disparity, and misogyny. It is a day to raise the voices and achievements of women.
It is not a catchphrase to help you shift plant-based protein.
This post reads like a lazy attempt to fix the previous terrible take. Kind of like piling a spoon of sugar on top of a steaming shit.
You don’t have to look too far to find further evidence of how women are framed in the world of Rudy’s social media. Take a look at this atrocity of an Instagram post from yesterday (yes, also on IWD 2021).
I will admit this one is as confusing as it is offensive. Is the cow giving a look that things are about to get Dirty AF? Is this the sexualisation of a dairy cow statue in order to sell vegan cheese sticks?
Carol J. Adams, where are you? This one is too much for me.
London, if you are going to spend your money with companies like Rudy’s you need to also hold them accountable for harmful advertising tactics. It is the VERY LEAST we can do. The bare minimum.
We don’t need to accept the use of sexist advertising in our community. We really don’t and we shouldn’t.
Rudy’s. Get it together. If you are unsure of how and why you can do better, listen to your customers when they tell you… and they have been telling you.
Continuing to showcase personal stories and long-form interviews around topics of oppression and activism, T.O.F.U. Magazine is proud to announce the release of its latest issue, which focuses on capitalism and veganism.
From whether or not voting with our dollar and working within the system is creating change to dreaming of ways to build something different, T.O.F.U. #15 shares the thoughts and experiences of vegan business owners (e.g., Herbivore Clothing, Food Fight!, and Scapegoat Tattoo), activists (e.g., lauren Ornelas of Food Empowerment Project), and more to try and make some sense of the tangled web we weave when money gets involved.
“When you’re looking at the intersections between capitalism and veganism, there are no easy answers,” admits Ryan Patey, T.O.F.U.’s Editor and Co-Founder. “However, as veganism gains in popularity in many parts of the world, and large companies continue to seek profit without a real interest in our ethics, it’s a subject we’re going to have to tackle more and more.”
Thanks to the contributions of vegans involved directly with the capitalist system through operating vegan businesses and those trying to live outside of it as much as possible, T.O.F.U. #15 hopes to help encourage these tough conversations, both within the community and ourselves.
As always, the new issue is available through a pay-what-you-can system (because increasing access instead of profits is important!) along with all the other past issues.
Click here to access the latest copy of T.O.F.U. magazine.
Have you been wondering how a vegan might consider that their personal choices and the language they employ can be linked to furthering or challenging a wide range of oppressions? Is this something you would like to discuss with other curious vegans in a supportive, safe space?
The vegan community in the UK does a lot of valuable outreach, education and activism with the goal of improving outcomes for non-human animals, but many of us are also coming to understand that our animal-positive activities shouldn’t stand alone from other oppressive concerns.
We can and should be considerate of how our activism can perpetuate negative stereotypes and oppressive forces in the world. We can challenge inequality and inequity related to sexism, queerphobia, ageism, ableism as we fight to improve outcomes for animals. We don’t need to choose which type of oppression we resist and fight to redress, we can work against multiple oppressions at the same time.
So what about a vegan anti-oppression learning collective?
I am hoping to find vegans who are interested in forming a collaborative group of people who want to meet regularly in London (and hopefully in other UK locations) to explore topics of connected oppressions and intersectionality theory via suggested readings, public screenings and meeting guest speakers.
Maybe there is already a group like this operating in the capital, so please let me know if there is.
There is a now a private Facebook group you can join where you can help develop the shape, intentions, shared content and outcomes of the collective. We can start to discuss a safe space policy for the group, how we would like the Facebook page to be managed and who will be willing to take on administration duties for the page and future real life meetings.
If you have been thinking about these topics, join the closed Facebook group to help commence the building of the collective.