Raw vegan food event East London

Here is a super quick post to let you know about a vegan raw food dining event taking place near Cambridge Heath in east London.

Guest chef Kate Magic is going to be feeding attendees a 5-course raw dinner extravaganza this Friday August 10, 2018 at The Love Shack, located on Cambridge Heath Road.

The menu sounds tasty and includes:

On Arrival: Kombucha Daiquiris
Appetizer: Korean Sesame Noodles
Entree: Kale + Kimchi Bowl
Dessert: Magic Chocolate Cake
To Finish: Matcha Mints and Chaga Lattes

Click here to book your tickets online.

Is this the only raw food truck in the UK?

Get raw vegan food. Every weekend. From a food truck!

That’s the fab news for London.

Not in London? Better news for you involves the truck hitting the road this summer!

Details below.


Amrutha is a gorgeous-looking raw vegan food truck that not only has a recurring Sunday pitch in the Nomadic Community Gardens near Brick Lane, it is also being readied to travel the UK for a number of festivals throughout the summer.

Before I show you the food photos, I need to point you in the direction of the Amrutha website, their Facebook page, their pics on Instagram and of course Twitter.

Follow the vegan food business on one or all of those platforms to check out the menu and discover news of upcoming events, festivals, private catering opportunities and food preparation classes.

Now the food.

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New raw café in Central London

If you are excited by raw food, news of the impending opening of Rawligion should please you.

The Rawligion Facebook page describes the outlet as specialising in:

Organic, plant based, raw food and drinks including raw chocolates, cold press juice and delicious dairy free milks!


The café is located on Tottenham Street, just near Goodge Street Underground Station. Look for their grand opening in either late May or early June.

You can visit the Rawligion website and follow them on Twitter.

Extra note: this news article suggests Rawligion will be completely vegan except for honey in some dishes.

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