This deal is going to FLY out, so please be quick if you want this limited vegan cheese delivery.
My pal Steph is a top chef. Everything she makes is tasty, but it is her vegan cheeses that set her apart from the rest. She carefully handcrafts exquisite artisan cheeses that never fail to impress.
And now you can be one of a very few people to get your hands on one of her limited edition Christmas cheese boxes.
Here is the deal.
Steph is selling these amazing cheeses together in a limited edition collection as a festive special. The four handmade cheeses are:
Stilton Style with Cranberry
White Stilton Style with Fig & Apricot
Onion & Chive Cheddar Style
Merry Berry (A Mixed Berry White Cheddar Style)
Each festive cheese box you will also contain a surprise gift and a personal card from Steph. The cards are illustrated by Steph’s friend Rebecca Lehman who is a vegan artist.
Now the bit where you have to hurry.
There are only 50 Boxes available for purchase at the Animal Aid Christmas Fayre next weekend in Kensington. If you are heading to this huge London event, get in early and head straight to Steph’s Ponga Foods stand.
If you are nowhere near this show in London, Steph has saved 30 festive vegan cheese boxes for postal delivery. You need to email to get hold of one for £35 (this includes delivery if needed!). They are being sent out after the 12th of December so you will get them in plenty of time for any festivities that are taking place in your part of the world.
What are you waiting for? Email Steph now to get your special vegan cheese delivery for just £35.
You should also follow Ponga Foods on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.