Up North

I am thrilled to announce that on September 13th, 2014 I will be hosting a vegan speed meeting event at the Northern Vegan Festival taking place in the Empress Ballroom of the Winter Gardens in Blackpool.

blackpool meet

Here is a short piece of information about the event I am running to tease your interest:

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North London snacking

Yesterday was a celebration of vegan snack purchases in North London.

Check out four items that floated by plant-based boat north of the River Thames.


The top three were purchased in Bumblebee on Brecknock Road in Kentish Town while the spicy popcorn is from Vx in Kings Cross. Do you like what you see?

I love vegan snacks! Have you seen anything lately you think I should check out? Don’t keep me hanging. Comments below, por favor.

These photos originally appeared on my Instagram feed – see it here

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Plant-based PR

There is big news that I have posted on Facebook and Twitter but have somehow managed to keep from my dear readers here…

I am now the proud operator of a new company called fgv/PR.


As far as I know, I am the first 100% vegan PR company in the UK. I promote only vegan products and services. fgv/PR specialises in social media campaigns, traditional PR, events, trade show support and media appearances.

Pop on over to my new website to see what it is all about. You never know when you will need a fat, gay vegan to help you get some exposure.