A Culinary Trip Around the World!
Top facts to know:
- Monday 5th to Friday 9th August, 2019
- 10:00am to 12:30pm
- Held at a community hall in Queensbury, north-west London.
- Open to children aged 8 to 14 years.
- Not restricted to children from a particular borough
- Your child can be enrolled for all five sessions or for individual sessions of your choice

Now in their sixth year of running this unique and special series of hands-on cooking classes, Shambhu’s chef Nishma Shah will expertly guide and inspire young students as they produce delicious healthy meals. They will be applying culinary styles from around the world, using wholesome plant-based ingredients together with various natural flavour-enhancing and healing spices and condiments.
These are very much hands-on cooking classes and are always a fun, fulfilling, and educational summer-holiday activity for children.
They are also an excellent opportunity for children to learn and practise food prep and cooking skills, gain knowledge on relevant topics such as nutrition, spices, flavour-pairing, and discover how to minimise food waste.
For all the finer details including prices, click here.