Animal sanctuary run by vegans

Willows Animal Sanctuary is a charity based in the North-East of Scotland specialising in providing sanctuary to elderly animals or those with health/behavioural issues who cannot otherwise be re-homed.

How fabulous!

The sanctuary is holding their Winter Fundraiser on September 9, 2017 and will have food available on site from FacePlant Foods, Cool Jerk Vegan Pies and The Vegan Cakery.

The organisation is vegan-run, and they have an all-vegan cafe and gift shop on site.

If you are in the area, please plan a visit. You can like the Willows Facebook page and RSVP to the event.

Many of you reading this won’t be near the sanctuary, but you can still help with their fundraising. Click here to visit their website and donate some money. They need to feed all the animals across winter and YOU can help.

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