Make frijoles charros


  • 2 cups of cooked black beans 1 cup sliced vegan sausage 1⁄2 cup of seitan
  • 1⁄2 cup of sliced vegan ham
  • 1 cup of sliced mushrooms
  • 1 Morita chile
  • 1 can of dark beer
  • Fresh coriander/cilantro, chopped onion and avocado to serve

Makes approximately four cups/serves four


  • Heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil in a large, deep frying pan and add mushrooms
  • Soften over a medium/high flame then add the vegan meats
  • Cook for a further few minutes until hot, then add the beer and the chile
  • Cook on a high heat for approximately 10 minutes
  • Add the beans and their liquid, turn heat to medium and cook for a further 10 minutes
  • Serve in a bowl topped with onion, avocado and coriander/cilantro

Serve on its own or as a starter. Perfect for cold winter nights!

Recipe and photo remain property of Sean O’Callaghan and Julio Alcantara and may not be reproduced without permission. ©


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