FGV beer

There is big news and then there is ENORMOUS news.

In conjunction with The Dominion Brewery Company (home of Pitfield), I am beyond thrilled to announce a beer called Fat Gay Vegan.

Yes, that’s correct. My very own vegan beer.

fgv beer smaller

My love affair with Mexico has inspired my first beer.

A lot of Mexicans are partial to salt in their beer. This was first introduced to me by my friend Julio almost 7 years ago in a gay bar in Mexico City and I was instantly smitten.

When it came to making my own beer, I wanted to reference this Mexican style so ended up with one of the most delicious drinks around by combining pale ale, pink salt and fresh lime juice.

My buddy Laurie of mega-rad band SLAVES heard about my foray into beer production and was keen to get involved. Laurie is an incredibly talented artist with a style I can’t get enough of, so his take of me in a Mexican wrestling mask for my beer label is a dream come true. (Laurie has his first solo art show next month in Edinburgh!)

Bottles of Fat Gay Vegan pale ale are set to start rolling out across London and then the UK in a few weeks but if you can’t wait that long, you are in good fortune.

London Vegan Beer Fest is the first place anywhere in the world you can get a taste of this new beer. Andy from Dominion has kindly organised a strictly limited cask of Fat Gay Vegan to be served at the event on Saturday July 16, 2016.

Be one of the first people on the planet to try Fat Gay Vegan beer!

Please note that there is only one cask of Fat Gay Vegan beer being served. This is a special preview of my beer and it will probably go quickly (mostly into my belly). Be early if you want to buy a pint of Fat Gay Vegan.

Online tickets for London Vegan Beer Fest are only £5 plus small booking fee. Buy them now!

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