Tofu curry-mango

Here is a super quick post to inform you of one of my favourite fridge staples.

Josh and I always have a packet of this gorgeous mango and curry flavoured tofu in the house. It is the perfect accompaniment to pasta and rice dishes.


The only real problem with this product? About half of it ends up in my belly before it can make it into whatever we are cooking.

Check out this fab stir fried rice featuring broccolini, green beans, mushroom, spring onion and red pepper that we topped with the mango curry tofu.

So very delicious!

Is this your favourite tofu? Or have you got another go-to flavour?

Xmas 15 bottom advert

4 thoughts on “Tofu curry-mango”

  1. Glad to hear you also love the wonders that are Taifun!! We met some of the folks from Taifun in their hometown Freiburg, Germany where they had their all vegan street food stall at the weekly town market. An all vegan street food stall…yes! We didn’t realise there was going to be a vegan street food stall and we were so excited!!. My favourite of their selection is their Tofu Roso, and it’s deliciousness is known far and wide (with a friend back in Australia dreaming of it and wishing she could import it there). They seem like a great, ethical company and their food is awesome!
    Here are some pix of the delights in Freiburg:

  2. I’ve always wondered about the curry-mango tofu, now I am going to give it a try. I love all tofu, flavoured or unflavoured, and have never had a bad tofu experience.

  3. I think this could be a case of deliberate misnamed, in the same way as McDonald’s renaming their marinara sauce to ‘salsa’ in the UK, and Domino’s renaming their ranch flavour to ‘cool original’ in the UK.

    In Germany and Netherlands and Belgium (presumably elsewhere too, but that’s those are the places I’ve seen it) there is a common sauce topping for chips called Joppiesaus. It is supposedly a secret recipe but it tastes just like this tofu.

    So I would guess this German tofu is actually Joppiesaus flavour.

    Either way though FGV, if you like this tofu, next time you’re in Brussels or Amsterdam or Berlin find a frites shop and order some with Joppiesaus on… if you like this tofu you’ll love that.


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