Vegans have got it good in Scotland’s cities. Plant based food is everywhere, including this shredded tofu burrito.
I need to get my hands on one of these very soon!
Braised with chipotle after being grilled until crispy? Sign me up!
Taco Mazama is not a vegan store, but appear to have a very inclusive policy when it comes to vegan customers. The following graphic keeps popping up on their social media platforms:
I’m not sure what Vegan Tuesday entails, but I enjoy seeing highly visible uses of the ‘v’ word by omni restaurants.
Taco Mazama has five locations spread out across Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Have you eaten there? What is Vegan Tuesday all about?
Visit Taco Mazama online, like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
Extra note: Big thanks to Jess of Super Green Tangerine for the photo of the a-frame sign!