Compassionate people of the North. You have a vegan outlet in Doncaster.
Get to it!
Just this morning I received a message from Anne via Facebook. Anne is the owner of a brand new vegan cafe in Doncaster called A Bite 2 Eat and she was hoping I could let you all know about it.
So, here we are!
You can like the cafe on Facebook and keep track of the menu as it evolves. It already includes burgers, chips, cake and mouthwatering pancakes like the ones pictured above.
Support A Bite 2 Eat. It is only just over a week old and is the ONLY vegan food outlet in Doncaster.
Extra note: When I asked Anne if A Bite 2 Eat is 100% vegan she replied, “It is 100% vegan no compromise.”
Where abouts in Doncaster is this? Close to the town center?! ^_^ I’ll post a link onto Vegans of Doncaster FB page xxx
If you click through to the Facebook page, you can see a map and address on there.