End of an era

Time marches on, people.

Almost four years ago I started an event that quickly became a staple of vegan London. London Vegan Potluck was established because I couldn’t believe the event didn’t already exist when I arrived to the UK from Australia.

I wanted a monthly food party where vegans and the vegan-curious could make and share homemade, compassionate dishes in a friendly community setting.

What started as a cosy event in the arcade next to the Ms. Cupcake bakery in Brixton soon blossomed into an incredibly busy happening in the longterm location of Faraday House in Holborn. We were even featured on BBC Radio.

A review of the first ever London Vegan Potluck can be seen here. Many thanks must be given to Mellissa Morgan of Ms. Cupcake for her generosity in allowing us to set up next to her business for those formative first six months. Additional thanks to Freedom Brewery who donated beer for the first London Vegan Potluck, thus becoming the first business to support and believe in an event that will have run for four years as it comes to a close in May 2015.

That’s right. London Vegan Potluck will end forever on Wednesday May 6, 2015.

final potluck

I have recently found myself stretched too far in regards to this event. Of course I adore what it has added to my community, but after four years I have come to the realisation that my energies and attention are needed elsewhere. I’ve loved the experience but it is time to bow out on a high.

Hopefully, some of the hundreds and hundreds of people who have attended London Vegan Potluck during its four year run will be inspired by the legacy of this event to start gatherings in their local areas.

All it takes is one person with an idea and a desire to see it come to life.

Much love to everyone I’ve had the pleasure of meeting through London Vegan Potluck. Thank you for all the delicious food creations. Thank you for everything you have done to improve outcomes for non-human animals.

Gratitude goes to the dozens of companies that have supplied the event with samples and giveaways.

Extreme gratitude goes to the director and staff of Syracuse University London Program for giving this event a home for three and a half years.

My eternal love to my partner Josh who has worked harder than any of you will know in helping to make London Vegan Potluck run smoothly.

Massive appreciation to Linda who was at the very first potluck and has been relentless in her commitment to showing up early and staying late. She has kept me company and assisted during countless potluck set ups and pack aways.

You can find out about the penultimate London Vegan Potluck on April 1 here and stayed tuned to my blog and social media for news on how you can register to attend the final event in May 2015.

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2 thoughts on “End of an era”

  1. Nooooooooooooooooooo!
    I am gutted to hear this!
    I love the potlucks and made a friend for life at the first one I ever attended. But I stopped coming because I had a baby and I breastfeed her to sleep at potluck time. She is just reaching the age where I could start coming to the potlucks again and I have been eagerly awaiting this moment for two years! Is it really to end just as it was about to begin again for me? 🙁

    If there is no persuading you to continue, then allow me the opportunity to thank you for making it happen in the first place. My life is undoubtedly richer for having had the opportunity to share meals with a room full of vegans, taste new recipes and make some special vegan friends. I can only imagine how much work these events entail and many people owe you (and Josh) a huge debt of gratitude for making it happen.

  2. I’m really sorry to see it come to an end but i understand why
    you have decided that it is time to bring this wonderful event to a close
    and move on.
    I know it hasn’t been an easy decision as it’s a really popular event
    but as you say it’s best to go out on a high.
    Many thanks for your very kind words.
    Who would have thought that when you and Josh first started it four years ago
    and i attended the very first one that it would grow and grow until
    it became one of the most popular event in the vegan calendar.
    It was a privilege to have been there at the start.
    A huge thanks to you,Josh and Ms Cupcake ( for supporting the event)
    and everyone else that has made this event so popular and loved.


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