Halloween suckers

This time of the year is all about Day of the Dead for me, but if I was giving Halloween a look in I’m sure these vegan sweets would be a major concern in my house.

As I was ambling around my local Sainsbury’s a few nights ago, I made time to peruse the Halloween sweets and candy aisle. Strangely, the very first packet I picked up had the ‘vegan’ symbol on the back.

sweetsThis pack of orange flavoured jellies is the perfect addition to your shopping list if you want to get involved in the Halloween tradition of dishing out candy to strange children. It would be pretty awesome to hand a few of these to trick or treaters. Covert vegan action via celebration sweets!


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2 thoughts on “Halloween suckers”

  1. That’s amazing to have vegan jelly sweets so readily available! To non vegans they probably won’t even notice it’s vegan! 😀


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