Tofurky glory

Of course I love knowing about delicious vegan products available in supermarkets around the planet, but sometimes I wonder if it would be easier to not know.

A few days ago my brother in law sent me the following photos taken in his local Whole Foods Market in Philadelphia.

photo 1 photo 2Thanks, Ben. I am simultaneously intrigued and jealous. I hate feeling two sensations at once. Strike that and make it three. I am also hungry thanks to these photos.

I know most of my readers are UK-based, but has anyone tried either of these Tofurky products? Any sighting of them in the UK yet?

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4 thoughts on “Tofurky glory”

  1. You get them in all US whole foods markets I’ve been in, never bought though as they’re swimming in a bag of oil, too greasy even for me.

    You may be able to get them in veganz in Berlin, they have most of the tofurkey range, even the big life sized fake turkeys.

    Hot tip for tofurkey is their Italian sausages. Ignore the cooking instructions though, instead boil them for 10 mins and they make great hot dogs.

    One of the main hot dog stand chains in San Francisco (Annie’s) sells them on all the steer corners around union square. I’m in SF once a year for a conference and and while I’m there I pretty much live off them, I think they would be very up your street!

  2. You can get them in lots of supermarkets in the Pacific Northwest. They’re brilliant – you can have them cold (uncooked) or hot – we fried them rather than boiled. The Italian ones are great but I really liked the Polish ones and the German beer variety. They were a godsend on 72 miles of hiking and camping in National Park and National Forest Service wilderness – fantastic in sandwiches when you’re weary and need to refuel. Turtle Island Foods say they’re available in the UK but I can’t confirm that via the internet and I don’t think they can be shipped from the US. Does anybody know of a UK source? I think they’d be a big hit here.


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