Maple and pecan

The Vegan Ice Cream Wars continue. Night and day I search for worthy contenders but new developments are few and far between in the UK.

We live in somewhat of a vegan ice cream wasteland. We are still waiting for the big breakthrough that will spread decadent tubs of gourmet vegan iced confection across the country.

But it isn’t all doom and gloom, as I found out yesterday.

During a trip to Vx in Kings Cross, I found a large tub of vegan ice cream made by a company called Jollyum. 

Although the 500ml tub of Maple & Pecan soya dessert was tasty, we still seem to be a long way from having over the top, decadent flavours as seen and enjoyed by vegans in North America. Where is our ice cream packed with caramel chunks, fudge, peanut butter and cookies?

I definitely advise giving Jollyum a try. They are a little ray of light in the vegan ice cream darkness and I am looking forward to picking up the Double Chocolate tub soon. Other flavours include Summer Strawberry and Passion Fruit & Chocolate.

Final word: Jollyum is tasty and creamy but we demand more from our vegan ice creams.


This photo originally appeared on my Instagram feed. Check it out here.

8 thoughts on “Maple and pecan”

  1. I agree about the lack of vegan ice creams. The existing ones are nice, but, as you say, any trip to the United States and you can literally find whole chiller sections full of decadent delights. I really can’t fathom why someone hasn’t come up with a consumer level (i.e. not near a tenner for a small tub) vegan ice cream with delightfully trashy flavours. It’s even more strange considering that Tesco have six or seven vegan cheeses and loads of plant milks. The supermarket free from ranges are seriously lacking in this department.

  2. What happened to Razzle Dazzle Ices? Did they fold?
    A personal recommendation goes to Rileys in Crouch End- the guy knocks up his own Ice Creams and vegan sorbets- the chocolate one is to die for 🙂

  3. We have Maple Pecan, Summer Strawberry and Passionfuit & Chocolate at Black Cat Café! £5.20 for a tub or 80p per scoop. You should come back 🙂

  4. Im a big fan of booja booja icecream, the chocolate ones amazing! But your right, theres no super decadent ones. Here in Germany we have a brand called ‘das eis’ that has cookie chop chip flavo, and they sell everywhere 🙂


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