Seasonal madness

This post is one of the shortest in the history of my blog.

I simply wanted you to know about this Christmas-themed product at Tesco. I was too scared to try them, so I am hoping someone can post a review below. They honestly look vile.

Apparently they are only available until December 23rd so get in quick (if you can stomach them) and let me know your opinion below.

Are these tasty?
Are these tasty?

2 thoughts on “Seasonal madness”

  1. I didn’t see them at my local but they were on clearance at a bigger one a few days ago. They’re pretty tasty! I do generally like bacon-flavoured crisps, obviously if you’ve never been a fan of Frazzles you’re probably not going to enjoy these, but I thought they had an excellent crispy texture that went perfectly with the smokey sweet and salty flavour, and if they bring them out again next year I will buy them again.


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